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发布时间:2018-05-25 03:41

  本文选题:发动机生产线 + 财务评价 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, China's auto industry ushered in a historical opportunity of rapid development, production and sales for six consecutive years ranked first in the world. With the increasing stress of energy and the attention of national society to environmental protection, new diesel engines with low fuel consumption and low emissions are becoming more and more popular in the market. The investment project of diesel engine production line of CFQF Company is CFQF Company's response to the national environmental protection. Energy policy, in line with the trend of industry development needs, and determined to invest in the "Thirteenth five-year Plan" key projects. After the completion of the project, CFQF will become an important domestic light diesel engine supplier, can meet the domestic SUV, high-end light truck, light passenger, ship and other industrial power needs. Through the financial evaluation and risk analysis of the investment project, this paper provides the basis for the project investment decision to ensure the economic feasibility of the project. The analysis of this case will also provide important reference for the investment and construction of similar projects in automobile engine industry. Firstly, this paper introduces the relevant theories and methods, which provides the theoretical basis for the research of benefit evaluation and risk analysis. Secondly, this paper introduces the basic situation of the project from the aspects of project background, project construction necessity, project construction condition, engineering technical scheme and market analysis, and provides necessary parameters and contents for project benefit evaluation and risk analysis. Then, on the basis of preparing financial statements, the internal rate of return, financial net present value and other financial indicators are calculated and analyzed, and uncertainty analysis is carried out. The risk of the project is identified and evaluated, and countermeasures are put forward. Finally, the conclusion that the economic index of the project is feasible and reasonable, the economic benefit is good and the risk is controllable is obtained, which helps the project decision-making. This paper uses SWOT analysis method to analyze the internal and external environment of the project. On the basis of estimating financial data such as total cost, sales income and profit of the project, a statement of cash flow, a statement of income and a balance sheet are compiled, with emphasis on the internal rate of return, the financial net present value, and the investment payback period of the financial evaluation index of the project. The ratio of assets and liabilities is calculated and analyzed. Risk factors such as project construction schedule risk, market risk, technical risk, matching condition risk and so on are identified, risk probability and influence matrix method are used to analyze the risk factors, and the priority order of control risk is listed. And put forward effective, feasible risk management plan. The method of break-even analysis and single factor sensitivity analysis are used to analyze the uncertainty of the project.


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