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发布时间:2018-05-26 19:23

  本文选题:社会组织 + 注册会计师 ; 参考:《财政部财政科学研究所》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:当前,我国社会正处在快速转型过程中,政府职能的转变、经济发展方式转型、社会自我服务的需求等,要求充分发挥社会组织在创新社会管理方式、整合社会力量、促进社会多元主体协商互动以及推动社会和谐善治等方面的重要作用。但是,我国社会组织发展总体滞后,还远不能满足社会发展的需要。这一方面有社会大众认识不足、法律保障不够、社会组织的管理体制不顺畅等外部原因,另一方面,社会组织治理结构不健全、管理不科学等内在缺陷同样是制约社会组织发展的重要因素。加强社会组织治理相关理论的研究,成为促进社会组织建设的当务之急。 我国注册会计师行业恢复重建30多年来,作为智力密集型的专业服务业和市场经济监督体系重要的制度安排,在提高经济信息质量、规范资本市场发展、引导资源合理配置、维护市场经济秩序、促进社会公平正义等方面发挥着重要的作用。与注册会计师行业相伴而生的我国注册会计师行业组织,按照法律和章程的要求,以维护公众利益和行业利益为宗旨,通过严格执业准入、监督会员行为、制定行业标准、提升会员能力等方式履行着行业的管理和服务职能,并逐步建立起相对完善的治理结构,体现了社会组织的成员自治、尊重民主的典型特征。但是,我们也要看到,我国注册会计师行业组织发展相对国外同类行业组织而言时间较短,治理结构和功能发挥还不尽如人意,需要在总结提炼治理经验的基础上,加强治理的理论研究,进一步健全完善治理结构。这不仅对注册会计师行业的发展意义重大,也能够为社会组织的治理研究提供有益的启示和经验。 本文从社会组织的一般规定性出发阐述了社会组织的契约性质,同时对注册会计师行业的职业特征进行分析,并据此分析了注册会计师行业组织治理的一般规定性和行业规定性,在此基础上,研究了注册会计师行业组织的治理结构,并对党组织在我国注册会计师行业组织治理中的角色、功能定位以及组织形式等进行了分析和研究。本文共分为七章,其中: 第一章导言。主要介绍研究的背景、目的,文献回顾及评论、内容、方法、创新。 第二章从社会组织的契约性质看注册会计师行业组织治理的一般要求。本章从社会组织的一般性出发研究了注册会计师行业组织的契约性质,分析了契约性质对注册会计师行业组织治理的民主要求。本文认为,契约性质是社会组织的本质属性,契约性质决定了民主原则成为社会组织治理的一般性规定,作为社会组织的注册会计师行业组织同样要遵循民主原则,这就要求注册会计师行业组织的治理机构要通过民主选举产生,治理机构的决策和监督要遵循民主原则,并充分体现参与式民主的要求。 第三章注册会计师行业的职业特征与注册会计师行业组织治理的特殊要求。本章从注册会计师行业的特殊性出发,研究了注册会计师行业的职业特征对注册会计师行业组织治理的影响。本文认为,注册会计师行业的职业特征包括专业性、鉴证性和外部性,这就要求注册会计师行业组织在功能上要履行管理和服务两大功能,并将法律赋予作为功能的重要来源,在治理参与者的要求上强调专业性,在监督上强调外部监督在治理层面予以实现。 第四章注册会计师行业组织的治理结构。本章研究了在注册会计师行业组织治理的一般要求和特殊要求下,注册会计师行业组织治理结构的特征。本文认为,作为最高决策机构,会员代表大会要从代表结构、选举方式和程序等方面充分体现利益相关者的多元化;作为日常决策机构,理事会应从理事资格和理事会运行机制上保证日常决策的专业性要求;作为监督机构,监事会要从监事构成的多元化和提升监事会地位等方面体现监事会的独立性;作为执行机构,秘书处应在日常运行中充分体现参与式民主的有关要求。 第五章党组织与注册会计师行业组织的治理。本章着重研究党组织与注册会计师行业组织治理的关系问题,包括在注册会计师行业组织中设立党组织的必要性,党组织的功能定位,治理要求对党组织设置形式和隶属关系的影响等。本文认为,在党的领导下开展注册会计师行业建设是我国的政治体制所决定的,建立行业党组织指导和推动注册会计师行业党的建设,是新时期党的建设的总体要求,是保证注册会计师行业正确发展方向的政治保障。行业党组织要履行好政治核心、政治引领和促进发展的功能,就必须成为注册会计师行业组织治理结构的一部分,从决策、监督和执行三个层面发挥作用。 第六章注册会计师行业组织治理的案例分析——对中国注册会计师协会治理结构的评价。本章选取中注协作为案例分析的对象,对其基本情况和治理情况进行了介绍,运用本文提出的注册会计师行业组织治理的理论框架对其治理结构进行了评价。 第七章研究结论与展望。本章对本文的研究结论进行了综述,分析了研究的不足,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。 本文主要创新在于,一是分析论证了注册会计师行业职业特征对注册会计师行业组织治理的规定性,在阐述社会组织一般性的同时,分析了注册会计师行业的职业特征,提出了注册会计师行业组织在治理上的一般要求和特殊要求,并以此为基础分析了注册会计师行业组织的治理结构。二是提出了外部监督在治理层面予以实现的观点,通过外部监督在治理层面予以实现,实现外部监督的内在制度化和过程化,从而提高监督效率和监督效果。三是将党组织引入注册会计师行业组织治理结构,党组织要履行好政治核心、政治引领和促进发展的功能,并从决策、监督和执行三个层面发挥作用。
[Abstract]:At present , our society is in the process of rapid transformation , the transformation of government function , the transformation of economic development mode , the need of social self - service , etc .

In order to improve the quality of economy information , regulate the development of capital market , guide the rational allocation of resources , maintain market economy order and promote social fairness and justice , our country ' s registered accountant industry has played an important role in improving the quality of economy information , standardizing the development of capital market , guiding the rational allocation of resources , maintaining market economy order and promoting social fairness and justice .

This paper expounds the contractual nature of the social organizations from the general nature of the social organization , analyzes the professional characteristics of the CPA profession at the same time , and analyses the governance structure of the registered accountant industry organization , and analyzes and studies the role , function orientation and organization form of the party organization in the organization of the CPA profession in China .

Chapter One introduces the background , purpose , literature review and commentary , content , method and innovation of the research .

The second chapter discusses the general requirements of CPA industry organization governance from the contract character of social organization . This chapter studies the contract character of CPA industry organization from the general view of social organization , analyzes the character of contract to the democratic demand of the organization governance of CPA industry . In this paper , the contract character is the essential attribute of the social organization . The paper holds that the contract character is the general stipulation of the governance of social organization . As the registered accountant industry organization of the social organization , it is required to follow the democratic principles , and the decision and supervision of the governing body should follow the democratic principles and fully reflect the requirement of participatory democracy .

Chapter Three discusses the professional characteristics of CPA profession and the special requirements of CPA industry organization . This chapter studies the influence of the professional characteristics of CPA profession on the management of CPA industry . In this paper , it is believed that the professional characteristics of CPA profession include professional , forensic and external , which requires CPA industry organization to carry out the two functions of management and service in function , and puts the law on the function as the important source of the function , emphasizes the professionalism on the request of the governance participant , and emphasizes on the supervision that the external supervision is realized at the governance level .

Chapter IV deals with the governance structure of CPA industry organization . In this chapter , we study the characteristics of the governance structure of CPA industry under the general requirements and special requirements of CPA industry organization governance . In this paper , as the highest decision - making body , the member ' s congress should fully reflect the diversity of stakeholders from the representative structure , election mode and procedure , etc .
As a day - to - day decision - making body , the Council shall ensure the professional requirements of daily decisions from the governing qualification and the operating mechanism of the Council ;
As the supervisory organization , the board of supervisors should reflect the independence of the board of supervisors from the aspects of pluralism and promotion of the status of the board of supervisors .
As an executing agency , the Secretariat should fully reflect the relevant requirements of participatory democracy in its day - to - day operation .

Chapter five deals with the relationship between Party organization and CPA industry organization . This chapter focuses on the relationship between Party organization and CPA industry organization , including the necessity of establishing Party organization in CPA industry organization , the function orientation of Party organization and the influence of governance requirement on party organization form and membership .

Chapter 6 The Case Study on the Governance of Certified Public Accountants 鈥斺,




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