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发布时间:2018-06-02 02:00

  本文选题:免抵退税 + 应交增值税 ; 参考:《财务与会计》2013年01期

[Abstract]:The notice on the Policy of Value-added tax and consumption tax on Export goods and Services (Fiscal and tax [2012] 39, hereinafter referred to as "notice") and the measures for the Administration of Value-added tax and consumption tax on Export goods and Services (decree No. 24 of 2012 of the State Administration of Taxation), "hereinafter referred to as" the notice ") provides that units or individual industrial and commercial households that have the capacity to produce (including processing, repair, and repair) for export goods shall, according to law, be registered for industry and commerce, for tax purposes, for the record of foreign trade operators, and for self-employed or entrusted export goods, As well as the registration of industry and commerce according to law, the registration of taxation but not the registration of foreign trade operators for the record, The unit or individual that entrusts export goods with productive capacity (including the ability to process repair and repair) is collectively called a production-oriented export enterprise (abbreviated as a production enterprise). At the same time, the above two documents have partially adjusted the scope of application, the time limit of declaration, the calculation of tax rebate and so on for the general export of goods and services value-added tax (VAT) and consumption tax refund (exemption) of manufacturing enterprises.
【作者单位】: 山东省德州市国家税务局;山东省德州中财致远税务师事务所;


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1 张志平 杨立 林兰;今年为企业免抵退税18.4亿元[N];镇江日报;2008年

2 张纯龙 叶翩;武汉企业一年获减免抵退税逾百亿元[N];中国税务报;2011年

3 记者 裴s,




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