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发布时间:2018-06-03 07:16

  本文选题:优惠型企业 + 税务筹划 ; 参考:《会计之友》2013年08期

[Abstract]:Under the circumstance of increasingly fierce competition in market economy, tax planning, as an important part of enterprise financial management, is paid more and more attention by people. As the main body of market economy, enterprises should set up the correct concept of tax planning, formulate scientific and reasonable planning plan, reduce the tax burden of enterprises and maximize the value of enterprises. At present, the theory and practice circles of our country have carried on the beneficial exploration to the enterprise tax planning basic theory, the strategy method, and has obtained the good effect. Based on the practice and effect of tax planning in Shanghai Textile Development Corporation in recent years, this paper discusses the practical thinking of tax planning method in preferential enterprises.
【作者单位】: 上海纺织发展总公司;


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