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发布时间:2018-06-07 15:30

  本文选题:行政事业单位 + 国有资产收益 ; 参考:《经济研究参考》2013年20期

[Abstract]:Firstly, this paper discusses the nature of state-owned assets, the connotation of revenue management mechanism, the framework structure and so on from the theoretical point of view, and empirically analyzes the current situation of the construction of revenue management mechanism of state-owned assets in administrative institutions. This paper puts forward the general ideas and countermeasures for perfecting the revenue management mechanism of state-owned assets in administrative institutions. The author holds that the revenue management mechanism of state-owned assets in administrative institutions is a huge systematic project, which consists of five mechanisms: budget restraint mechanism, collection and collection mechanism, distribution and use mechanism, performance evaluation mechanism and supervision mechanism. The system and system run through the five mechanisms and are also the important guarantee of the mechanism. These "five mechanisms" are intertwined, interacted and interlinked, forming the framework of the revenue management mechanism of state-owned assets in administrative institutions. Combining with the work practice, the author sums up the achievements and problems in the management of state-owned assets in administrative institutions from the aspects of system, system and revenue collection, use, supervision, etc. To plan and perfect the general idea of the management mechanism of the state-owned assets income of the administrative institutions, and put forward some policy suggestions: to establish the linkage mechanism of the revenue management of the state-owned assets of the administrative institutions, to make clear the main body of the revenue management of the state-owned assets of the administrative institutions; To improve the system of revenue management of state-owned assets in administrative institutions; to strengthen budget management and perfect the budgetary management mechanism of assets income; to implement classified management and perfect the mechanism of collecting revenue from state-owned assets; to strictly manage the "revenue and expenditure two lines"; Improve asset income distribution mechanism; establish income performance evaluation index system, improve asset income performance evaluation mechanism and supervision mechanism; improve asset information management, improve asset income dynamic supervision mechanism.
【作者单位】: 河北省财政厅;


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