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发布时间:2018-06-07 19:29

  本文选题:农业上市公司 + 公司治理 ; 参考:《安徽农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the first agricultural listed company, by the end of 2013, there have been 39 agricultural listed companies in China, so more and more stakeholders pay attention to the development and progress of agricultural listed companies. With the development of economy and the deepening of reform and opening up, the stock market of our country has developed from nothing to existence. After more than 30 years of development, it has already had a considerable scale, but it is still in the stage of development. The financial system is not perfect, the information disclosure mechanism is not perfect, the information disclosure is not timely, the related party transactions are many, the internal control is poor and so on has become the common problem of many listed companies, agricultural listed companies are no exception. At present, there are many researches on the impact of corporate governance on the quality of accounting information disclosure, both in theoretical and empirical aspects. This paper selects 24 agricultural listed companies listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange as the research object, on the basis of summarizing and summarizing the current research situation at home and abroad: the current situation, existing problems, characteristics of agricultural listed companies, The basic theory of corporate governance and the basic theory of accounting information disclosure are introduced. The final data of agricultural listed companies are processed by spss software, including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis, to explore the relationship between corporate governance factors and the quality of accounting information disclosure. Finally, according to the results of empirical analysis, reasonable countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to improve the quality of accounting information disclosure from the perspective of corporate governance. The difference of this paper lies in: (1) this paper explores the impact on the quality of accounting information disclosure from the perspective of corporate governance through the method of empirical research. Most of the existing research is to study the quality of accounting information disclosure from the perspective of corporate internal governance or external governance, and the current results are few. 2) this paper takes the rating of accounting information as dependent variable. Taking eight variables as independent variables, such as the proportion of the largest shareholders, the degree of concentration of shareholders, the scale of the board of supervisors, whether the independent director is consistent with the location of the listed company, the logistic regression model between them is established on the basis of the attributes of their variables. Through descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis, the empirical results show that the agricultural listed companies listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2012, There is no relationship between the consistency of independent directors and the workplace of listed companies and the quality of accounting information disclosure. Second, the proportion of the largest shareholders, the number of board meetings, the size of the board of supervisors, and the earnings per share. The increase of growth can significantly improve the quality of accounting information disclosure. Thirdly, the ownership concentration is negatively correlated with the quality of accounting information disclosure. In the corporate governance of agricultural enterprises, that is, the increase of the proportion of shareholdings of the top five shareholders will reduce the quality of accounting information disclosure. And then put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the ownership structure of the board of directors meeting content, reasonable construction of the board of supervisors to improve the scale of laws and regulations, strengthen supervision and improve accounting standards, strengthen the regulation of accounting information disclosure; (5) perfecting the restraint mechanism for the operators, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of the accountants, strengthening the construction of the contingent of certified public accountants and improving the overall quality of the certified public accountants.


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