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发布时间:2018-06-10 05:15

  本文选题:中小商业银行 + 非利息收入 ; 参考:《浙江财经大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:商业银行作为经营货币的特殊企业,同其他一般生产销售型企业一样,运作过程中也追求能够获取更多的利润。商业银行的营业总收入来源于利息收入以及非利息收入两大部分,过去商业银行都是依靠“吸收存款,发放贷款,从中赚取存贷款利息差价”的经营模式来获得大部分收入,而且这种获取收入的方式相对较为稳定、风险也偏小,所以商业银行过去一直都是将大部分精力投入于利息收入业务中,主要就是放贷业务。 随着金融改革的进一步深化、金融创新的层出不穷、金融脱媒现象的发生和民营资本的介入等,银行之间以及银行同其他金融机构之间的竞争大大加剧,银行未来的生存发展面临着巨大挑战。在这种情况之下,,为了维护经营的持续性,为了保持一定的盈利水平,商业银行特别是众多的中小商业银行不得不寻求新的收入来源渠道。像一些城商行、农商行,由于其资金等各方面实力并不十分雄厚,没有办法和大型国有银行进行竞争,中小商业银行于是就要凭借自己的优势项目,开拓多样化非利息收入业务来充当新的收入或利润来源渠道。 非利息收入业务内容丰富,是银行目前以及今后重点发展的业务对象,银行在此领域有很大的发展空间,可以不断提升其份额来实现整体业务的多元化经营目标。因为各项具体非利息收入业务的收益和风险不同,对银行经营效益的影响也就不同,所以,对非利息收入进行研究具有一定的现实意义。 本文以三类中小商业银行为研究对象,首先分析了全国性股份制商业银行、城市商业银行、农村商业银行非利息收入及其构成在近些年的变化趋势,阐述了商业银行发展非利息收入业务的必要性或意义,揭示出我国中小商业银行应如何开展非利息收入业务。然后又对股权收益率的六大方面主要影响因素进行了分析,重点研究的则是非利息收入与股权收益率两者之间的关系。在第四章实证分析部分,本文选取了2007—2013年我国12家全国性股份制商业银行、10家城商行和7家农商行为研究对象,并通过Bankscope数据库和商业银行官方网站公布的历年年报来获取本文所需的相关财务数据,利用Eviews6.0软件,分两节对三个样本组银行的非利息收入与股权收益率之间的关系,以及非利息收入各构成部分与股权收益率之间的关系进行了面板数据回归分析。实证结果表明,非利息收入和股份制银行、城商行、农商行的股权收益率之间均呈现正相关关系,即这三类银行提高非利息收入在营业收入中的占比对股权收益率的增加都有促进作用,且三个样本组的结果都通过了显著性检验。另外,非利息收入的各项构成部分对三类银行股权收益率的影响不完全相同。对于股份制银行,公允价值变动收益对其股权收益率有显著的正向作用,汇兑损益对股权收益率有显著的负向作用;对于城商行,投资收益对其股权收益率具有显著的正向作用;对于农商行,手续费及佣金净收入、汇兑收益对其股权收益率有显著的正向作用。另外,本文还对实证研究中得到的结论做了相应的解释分析。最后,本文根据实证结果进行了总结,就如何进一步推动我国中小商业银行非利息收入业务发展的问题提出了若干建议,也提出了三点研究展望,希望对后续的深入研究有所帮助。
[Abstract]:As a special business of operating money, commercial banks, like other general production and sales enterprises, seek to gain more profits in the process of operation. The total business income of commercial banks is derived from two parts of interest income and non interest income. In the past, commercial banks all relied on "absorbing deposits, issuing loans and earning from them." There is a relatively stable way of getting the income, and the risk is relatively small, so the commercial banks used to devote most of their energy to the interest income business, mainly lending.
With the further deepening of the financial reform, the emergence of financial innovation, the emergence of financial disintermediation and the involvement of private capital, the competition between banks and the banks and other financial institutions is greatly intensified, and the future survival and development of the banks are facing great challenges. In this case, to maintain the sustainability of the operation, In order to maintain a certain level of profit, commercial banks, especially a large number of small and medium commercial banks, have to seek new sources of income. Like some cities and commercial banks, agricultural and commercial banks, because their funds and other aspects are not very strong, there is no way to compete with large state-owned banks, and the small and medium commercial banks have to rely on their own advantages. Projects to develop diversified non interest income businesses as new sources of revenue or profit.
The non interest income is rich in business content. It is the business object of the bank's present and future development. The bank has a great development space in this field. It can continuously improve its share to achieve the diversified business objectives of the whole business. Because of the different income and risk of the specific non interest income business, the impact on the efficiency of the bank's operation is different. It is also different. Therefore, the study of non interest income has certain practical significance.
This paper takes three types of small and medium-sized commercial banks as the research object. First, it analyzes the change trend of non interest income and its composition in recent years in national joint-stock commercial banks, urban commercial banks and rural commercial banks, and expounds the necessity or significance of commercial banks to develop non interest income business, and reveals how small and medium commercial banks in China should do. The non interest income business is carried out. Then the main influencing factors of the six aspects of the stock return rate are analyzed. The focus is on the relationship between the non interest income and the stock return rate. In the fourth chapter, the paper selects 12 national joint-stock commercial banks, 10 cities and commercial banks in China from 2007 to 2013. 7 farmers' behavior research object, and through the Bankscope database and the official website published by the official website of commercial bank to obtain the relevant financial data, and use Eviews6.0 software to divide the relationship between the non interest income and the stock return rate of the three samples of the bank, as well as the components and equity of the non interest income. The empirical results show that there is a positive correlation between non interest income and joint-stock banks, urban commercial banks and Agro commercial banks, that is, the three types of banks increase the ratio of non interest income to the increase in the income rate of non interest income, and three The results of the sample group have passed the significance test. In addition, the influence of the non interest income components on the three types of banks' stock returns is not exactly the same. For the shareholding banks, the change income of fair value has a significant positive effect on its share return, and the remittance loss has a significant negative effect on the stock return rate; In the city business, the investment income has a significant positive effect on the stock return rate; for the agricultural commercial bank, the net income of commission and commission, the remittance income has a significant positive effect on its share return. In addition, this paper also makes the corresponding explanation analysis on the conclusions obtained in the empirical study. Finally, this paper has carried out the general results according to the empirical results. In the end, some suggestions on how to further promote the development of non interest income business of small and medium commercial banks in China are put forward, and three research prospects are put forward, which is hoped to be helpful to further further research.


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