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发布时间:2018-06-11 20:50

  本文选题:医药物流 + 联盟采购 ; 参考:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国医药行业迅猛发展的今天,医药零售行业内部竞争日益激烈,新医改政策的不断落实,医疗保障制度的不断完善,享有医疗保险的人群不断扩大,以及医院医疗报销范围的进一步扩增,使医药零售连锁企业面对的经营压力与日俱增。从传统意义上,医药零售企业经营管理扩展的空间已经很小,而且成效甚微,相比之下,物流运营管理[1]的创新以及改进实施却具有非常大的空间可以挖掘。 医药零售企业已经意识到提升企业经营管理水平尤其是物流管理水平的重要性,物流管理已成为企业经营管理的重要组成部分。而我国医药零售企业的物流管理水平相对落后,管理及运营成本偏高。在所有的物流成本中,药品的采购、仓储及配送成本占总成本相当大的比重。建立医药零售企业的现代物流体系[2]、如采购联盟、联合库存、物流托管等新的物流模式的出现,为有效控制和降低物流成本,提高物流效率提供了成功的经验。创造企业第三利润源泉[3]已成为保证我国医药零售企业持续稳定发展的有效手段之一。 本文以我国医药销售业绩百强之一的北京某医药零售企业(以下称A企业)的物流经营模式的发展与转变为例,结合我国中小型医药零售企业物流运营的现状,,阐述控制物流成本,提高物流效率[4]的相关途径与操作方法。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in China, the competition within the pharmaceutical retail industry is becoming increasingly fierce, the new medical reform policy has been implemented, the medical security system has been continuously improved, and the number of people enjoying medical insurance has been expanding. As well as the further expansion of hospital medical reimbursement scope, pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises are facing increasing business pressure. In the traditional sense, the scope for expansion of the management of pharmaceutical retail enterprises has been very small, and there has been little success. The innovation and improvement of logistics management have great space to be excavated. Pharmaceutical retailing enterprises have realized the importance of improving the level of management, especially the level of logistics management. Logistics management has become an important part of enterprise management. However, the level of logistics management of Chinese pharmaceutical retail enterprises is relatively backward, and the management and operation costs are high. Of all logistics costs, drug procurement, warehousing and distribution costs account for a significant proportion of total costs. The establishment of modern logistics system for pharmaceutical retailing enterprises, such as the emergence of new logistics modes, such as purchasing alliance, joint inventory and logistics custody, provides a successful experience for effectively controlling and reducing logistics costs and improving logistics efficiency. Creating the third profit source of enterprises [3] has become one of the effective means to ensure the sustained and stable development of Chinese pharmaceutical retail enterprises. In this paper, a pharmaceutical retail enterprise in Beijing (hereinafter referred to as "A enterprise") is one of the top 100 pharmaceutical sales enterprises in China. For example, the development and transformation of logistics management mode Combined with the current situation of logistics operation of small and medium-sized pharmaceutical retail enterprises in China, this paper expounds the relevant ways and operation methods of controlling logistics cost and improving logistics efficiency [4].


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1 易东波;陶炬;;物流系统中效益互换策略的应用[J];商场现代化;2006年36期

2 罗俊;;加强流通加工效能管理 提高第三方物流效益[J];商场现代化;2009年06期

3 丁勇;;论区域医药供应链战略联盟下的短链零售模式[J];药学服务与研究;2008年04期

4 陈彪;;医药行业整合与物流发展现状[J];物流技术与应用;2011年06期

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1 田源;基于MF理论的物流效率研究[D];北京交通大学;2012年




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