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发布时间:2018-06-16 01:16

  本文选题:转移定价 + 企业目标 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:转移定价长期以来一直被认为,是分权公司中一个普遍的管理控制工具,吸引了广泛背景研究者的关注,在实务界和理论界受到热议。伴随着决策制定的分权化和多部门组织中利润中心产生,以及组织形式的多样化,转移定价系统设计日渐成为一个现实而尖锐的问题。管理会计教科书中,通常将转移定价描绘成分权和多部门公司的协同工具,其作用是通过提供中间产品和服务等的估价,来有效促进公司内部利润中心间的交易,对跨国公司,在选择转移价格时,也强调税负优化和税收遵从的重要性。而分权的成功和协同的实现,有赖于正确转移定价系统的建立。 管理控制工具,是为企业目标服务的,转移定价也不例外。本文分析设定企业目标为利润满意,为实现该目标,试图构建这样的转移定价决策路径:分析中间产品有无外部市场或市场结构情况,借助转移定价的资源配置、税负最小化、盈余管理、少数股东权益、市场策略以及调整方法等多个影响因素,它们能作用到的多个具体目标有利润最大化、子单元利润计划、收入最大化(市场占有率)、税收遵从等,所要研究的就是通过怎样的定价策略同时优化达成之,这些具体目标的折衷即为利润满意的企业目标。一个优秀的转移定价系统应该满足若干要求:目标一致,即转移定价系统必须激励利润中心经理追逐其自身利益时的行为能引导公司作为一个整体获得成功;绩效评价,即转移价格必须使得总部管理层根据利润中心对公司利润的各自贡献,尽可能准确评价其绩效;子单元自治,即系统必须激励经理提高效率,并且不削弱利润中心的部门自治。此外,系统还应易于应用。 转移定价,这是一个会计人员、管理学者和经济学家都在关注的话题。为达到一个最优解决方案,或达到一个接近方案,诸多方法被尝试。本文综合定性分析与定量分析、理论探讨与实践应用,具体研究方法有:定性方法——文献分析法,搜集、鉴别、整理、分析、研究国内外文献;定量方法——数学模型法——线性规划方法,运用线性规划方法的对偶原理求解影子价格,计算机会成本,确定转移价格;分析式研究,探讨如何以现行市场价格为基准,实施一定的内部折扣,实现有效产出;定量方法——数学模型法——目标规划方法,构建转移定价数学模型,求解转移价格,实现多重目标优化以达成企业目标;经验研究——案例研究,构建目标规划模型,结合一家中国跨国公司进行实际应用及分析。 全文提出并试图回答转移定价的四个理论问题,中间产品市场具有买方垄断势力下的定价决策;无外部市场时的竞争使用中间产品的机会成本;市场不完全时基于市价基准的内部折扣定价策略;如何折衷实现多重目标。具体研究所依据的是这样的转移定价决策路径:根据转移物有无市场或市场结构,结合企业的组织形式,分析多个转移定价影响因素对各个具体目标的作用,研究怎样的转移定价策略能同时实现这些具体目标,即意味着达成利润满意的企业目标。 (1)中间产品市场竞争不完全时,下游子单元从内部转移的同时,又从外部市场购买。为实现企业目标,如何决策转移数量、价格和外购数量、价格。以单一企业为例,设有上游和下游两个利润中心,下游购买部门具有买方垄断努力,来说明定价决策及目标实现。 为达成公司整体收益最大化,以边际分析技术确定下游部门需使用的最优中间产品数量及数量处对应的转移价格,及最优内部转移数量和外部采购数量,并对买方垄断势力下的定价决策与卖方垄断势力下的定价决策进行对比分析。研究的不足之处在于,完全、对称的信息状态假设,忽视了道德风险、投资套牢等激励问题;子单元自治权削弱,总部介入定价有违分权理念;未考虑上游部门与外部市场在中间产品市场上的竞争。 (2)中间产品无外部市场,考虑中间产品有竞争使用时的机会成本,以线性规划技术求解影子价格,作为转移价格的重要组成部分。稀缺资源机会成本的定价问题,有两种情况,一是利润中心以中间产品生产这种最终产品、而不是其他最终产品的机会成本,最终产品均有外部市场;二是利润中心以原材料等生产这种中间产品(无外部市场)、而不是另一种中间产品(有外部市场)的机会成本。 以企业利润最大化为目标,采用线性规划计算中间产品影子价格,在影子价格基础上确定机会成本进行最优转移定价决策。为了解转移价格的适用范围,对影子价格灵敏度分析,判断影子价格保持不变时、收益系数和资源约束所允许的变化区间。研究存在的不足有,机会成本具有时变性,因为影子价格可能是变化的,必须持续关注机会成本的适用性和恰当性;模型需设置多重假设,包括:需求曲线已知且呈现静态,成本函数是线性的,而且可以事先估计最终产品的替代用途和盈利能力;完全、对称信息状态,没有考虑公司总部、转入方和转出方三者之间的信息不对称、不完全情况,也就没有分析目标不一致。 (3)中间产品市场不完全时,基于市价基准上的最优内部折扣定价策略。公司为内部转移定价之目的,可否依靠外部市场价格,施以内部折扣的形式对其调节,来改善乃至最大化公司期望总体利润。问题分为两个步骤按序分析:一是内部交易会否受折扣的影响;二是设计的折扣规则所计算得出的销售量和最终价格能否最大化公司总体利润。 研究发现,转移物内部定价如按市价扣除适当的折扣,可避免边际定价方法的不足以及市场价格定价可能导致的双重边际化;内外部交易存在的成本差异,对实现最优资源配置的折扣确实存在影响,但影响并不能完全传递。局限之处,忽略了下游部门和外部购买者在最终产品市场上的相互替代或竞争;不可行性,参数化部门的收益和成本函数时,如果相关领域的状态是多维的,难以推断需求的价格弹性;代理成本欠缺,这是由于忽略了道德风险,从而导致模型中设定的成本不包含代理成本。 (4)定价如何决策,折衷实现更多转移定价影响因素下的多重且相互冲突目标。考虑更加完备、周全的转移定价影响因素,分析其对企业目标中若干具体目标的综合作用,以目标规划技术通过定价影响因素同时实现多个目标。 研究中,以一跨国公司为例,根据跨国公司的内外部环境,确定多重具体目标,分析其实现的优先顺序,构建转移定价目标规划模型,求解并存且可能冲突的多个目标的满意解。研究发现,以目标规划方法达成利润满意的企业目标是可行的。但同时也存在着这样的一些不足,众多条件要求已知,不同国家(地区)子单元的税收、关税、转移产品的成本函数及数量、风险损失率、市场价格等均可知或可估算;信度存疑,部分参数属企业商业秘密,无法通过公开渠道获取,只能合理估计赋值,这直接影响转移定价决策结论的客观和准确;损害子单元自治,目标规划技术确定转移价格时,主要由总部有关人员建立模型、输入数据,子公司管理者的话语权就是与总部协商本部门利润目标和权因子等的赋值,分权有所忽视;效度存疑,,会计等管理人员缺乏相应知识、技能,通常不具备建立转移定价模型之能力,而且信息不对称下的各单元的利已行为,其他部门没有全面、准确信息,影响实践应用。 全文研究还存在着某些限制,诸如,设定技术表现出规模报酬不变的特点,未考虑规模报酬递减或递增的情况;忽视了可能的优先寻求外部合作的心理,如果完全自由选择,某些公司的采购或销售子单元更愿意与外部渠道交易,原因之一是外部渠道能提供更令人满意的服务或更市场化的合作,原因之二是分权制公司中经常存在的内部竞争。总部管理者应该充分意识到可能出现的强烈政治色彩对转移价格的影响,这种情况下,最高管理者无法保证生产能力空闲时,采购或销售子单元会自愿在内部渠道交易。 设定的前提、条件,及存在的限制、不足,使得进一步深入研究有了必要。即使解决了这些问题,也不意味着转移定价解决方案是完美的。迄今为止,尚不存在一个使组织整体做出最合适的转移定价决策的通用原则,对任何一种转移定价方法,都不能说是绝对正确。正如诸多学者认为的,公司对转移价格选择的问题是出了名的困难,转移定价方略的研究仍需上下而求索。
[Abstract]:Transfer pricing has long been considered as a universal management control tool in decentralization companies, attracting the attention of a wide range of researchers and heated discussions in the practical and theoretical circles. With the decentralization of decision-making and the production of profit centers in multi sector organizations, the diversification of organizational forms, and the design of transfer pricing systems In management accounting textbooks, management accounting textbooks usually transfer pricing to depict composition rights and multi sector companies. The role is to effectively promote intra company profits through the valuation of intermediate products and services, and to transnational corporations, when choosing transfer prices, it is also emphasized. The importance of tax optimization and tax compliance, and the success and synergy of decentralization depends on the establishment of a correct transfer pricing system.
The management control tool is to serve the goal of the enterprise, and the transfer pricing is no exception. This paper analyzes the goal of the enterprise for profit satisfaction. In order to achieve this goal, it tries to construct such a transfer pricing decision path: the analysis of the external market or market structure of the intermediate products, the allocation of resources with transfer pricing, the minimization of tax burden, and the surplus. Management, minority shareholders' equity, market strategy, and adjustment methods have many factors, such as maximization of profit, subunit profit plan, income maximization (market share), tax compliance, and so on. A good transfer pricing system should meet a number of requirements: a good transfer pricing system should meet a number of requirements: the goal is consistent, that is, the transfer pricing system must encourage the profit center manager to pursue its own interests to guide the company as a whole, and the performance evaluation, that is, the transfer price must make the headquarters management. According to the respective contribution of the profit center to the profit of the company, the layer is as accurate as possible to evaluate its performance. Sub unit autonomy, that is, the system must encourage the manager to improve the efficiency and not weaken the departmental autonomy of the profit center. In addition, the system should be easily applied.
Transfer pricing is a topic of concern for accountants, management scholars and economists. In order to achieve an optimal solution, or to reach a close plan, many methods are tried. This paper combines qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, theoretical discussion and practical application. The qualitative method, literature analysis method, is used in this paper. Collect, identify, organize, analyze, study the domestic and foreign literature; quantitative method - mathematical model method - linear programming method, use the dual principle of linear programming to solve the shadow price, the cost of the computer, determine the transfer price, and discuss how to implement certain internal discounts on the basis of the current market price. Present effective output; quantitative method - mathematical model method - target planning method, construct transfer pricing mathematical model, solve transfer price, realize multiple objective optimization to achieve enterprise goal, experience research - case study, construct target planning model, and carry out practical application and analysis in combination with a national multinational corporation.
The full text puts forward and tries to answer the four theoretical problems of transfer pricing. The intermediate product market has a pricing decision under the monopoly power of the buyer; the opportunity cost of the competitive use of intermediate products without the external market; the internal discount pricing strategy based on the market price benchmark when the market is incomplete; how to achieve multiple goals in a compromise. Concrete Research Institute It is based on such a transfer pricing decision path: according to whether the transfer is market or market structure, combined with the organization form of the enterprise, it analyzes the effect of multiple transfer pricing factors on the specific targets, and studies how the transfer pricing strategy can achieve these specific targets at the same time, that is, to achieve the goal of profit satisfaction.
(1) when the market competition in the intermediate product is not complete, the sub travel unit is transferred from the inside and purchased from the external market. In order to achieve the goal of the enterprise, how to make the decision to transfer the quantity, the price and the quantity of the foreign purchase and the price. In the case of a single enterprise, there are two profits in the upstream and downstream, and the downstream purchasing department has a buyer's monopoly effort. Price decision and goal realization.
In order to maximize the overall profit of the Achieve Inc, the marginal analysis technology is used to determine the corresponding transfer price, the optimal internal transfer quantity and the quantity of external purchase, and the pricing decision under the buyer's monopoly power and the seller's monopoly power. The deficiency lies in the complete, symmetrical information state hypothesis, ignoring the incentive problems such as moral hazard and investment imprisonment, the weakening of the autonomy of sub units, the idea of decentralization of the headquarters intervention pricing, and the lack of consideration of the competition between the upstream and external markets in the intermediate product market.
(2) the intermediate product has no external market, considering the opportunity cost of the competitive use of the intermediate products, solving the shadow price by linear programming technology as an important part of the transfer price. The pricing problem of the opportunity cost of scarce resources has two cases, one is that the profit center produces the final product with the intermediate product, not the other final product. The opportunity cost of the product, the final product has the external market; two is the profit center production of the intermediate products (no external market) with raw materials, and not the opportunity cost of another intermediate product (external market).
Aiming at the maximization of enterprise profits, the linear programming is used to calculate the shadow price of intermediate products, and the optimal transfer pricing decision is made on the basis of shadow price to determine the opportunity cost. In order to understand the application scope of the transfer price, the sensitivity analysis of the shadow price, the judgment of the constant shadow price holding, the income coefficient and the resource constraints are allowed. Change interval. There are shortcomings in the study. Opportunity cost is time-varying, because the shadow price may be changed, it must continue to pay attention to the applicability and appropriateness of the opportunity cost; the model needs to set multiple hypotheses, including: the demand curve is known and static, the cost function is linear, and the replacement of the final product can be estimated in advance. Generation use and profitability; complete, symmetrical information state, without considering the company's headquarters, the asymmetric information between the three parties and the transferor, and the incomplete situation, and there is no analysis of the inconsistencies.
(3) when the intermediate product market is incomplete, the best internal discount pricing strategy is based on the market price benchmark. For the purpose of internal transfer pricing, the company can rely on the external market price and adjust it in the form of internal discounts to improve and maximize the overall profit of the company. The problem is divided into two steps in order: one is internal. Whether the transaction will be affected by the discount; two, whether the sales volume and final price calculated by the discount rule can maximize the overall profit of the company.
It is found that the internal pricing of transfer objects, such as deducting appropriate discounts according to market prices, can avoid the shortage of marginal pricing methods and the double marginalization that may lead to the market price pricing; the difference in cost of internal and external transactions does have a sound effect on the discount of the optimal allocation of resources, but the impact can not be completely transmitted. Limitations, limitations, Ignoring the mutual substitution or competition between the downstream sector and the external buyer in the final product market; infeasibility, the income and cost function of the parameterized sector, if the state of the related field is multidimensional, it is difficult to deduce the price elasticity of the demand; the agency cost is deficient, which is due to neglecting the moral hazard, resulting in the establishment of the model. The fixed cost does not include the agency cost.
(4) how to make the pricing decision and compromise the multiple and conflicting objectives under the influence factors of more transfer pricing. Consider the more complete and comprehensive factors of transfer pricing, analyze its comprehensive effect on some specific goals in the enterprise goal, and achieve multiple goals by the target planning technology through the pricing factors.
In the study, a multinational corporation is taken as an example, according to the internal and external environment of the multinational corporation, to determine the multiple specific objectives, analyze the priority of its realization, construct the model of the transfer pricing goal planning, and solve the satisfactory solution of the multiple targets that coexist and may conflict. The study finds that the goal of achieving the profit satisfaction with the target planning method is feasible. But at the same time, there are some shortcomings, and many conditions are known. The tax, tariff, the cost function and quantity of the transfer products, the risk loss rate, the market price are all known or estimated. The reliability is doubtful, some of the parameters are business secrets of the enterprise and can not be obtained through public channels, only reasonable. Estimate assignment, which directly affects the objective and accurate of the conclusion of the transfer pricing decision; damage sub unit autonomy, when the target planning technology determines the transfer price, mainly by the headquarters related personnel to establish the model, input the data, the voice of the manager of the subsidiary is the assignment of the profit target and the right factor of the headquarters in consultation with the headquarters. Ignoring, validity, accounting and other managers lack the knowledge and skills, usually do not have the ability to set up a transfer pricing model, and the profit of the units under the information asymmetry, and the other departments have no comprehensive, accurate information and influence the practical application.
There are some limitations in the full text research, such as the setting of technology that shows the characteristics of scale return, without considering the diminishing or increasing scale of return on scale, neglecting the possible preference for external cooperation, and if it is completely free to choose, some companies' purchasing or selling sub units are more willing to trade with external channels for reasons. First, the external channel can provide more satisfactory service or more marketable cooperation. The two reason is the internal competition that often exists in the decentralization company. The headquarters manager should be fully aware of the possible influence of strong political color on the transfer price. In this case, the highest manager can not guarantee the production capacity to be idle. Buying or selling sub units will voluntarily trade in internal channels.
The preconditions, conditions, and limitations of existence are necessary to make further research necessary. Even if these problems are solved, it does not mean that the transfer pricing solution is perfect. So far, there is no general principle to make the organization make the most appropriate transfer pricing decision, and to any kind of transfer pricing party. The law is not absolutely correct. As many scholars believe, the problem of the choice of the transfer price is difficult, and the study of the transfer pricing strategy still needs to be sought.


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