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发布时间:2018-06-16 10:49

  本文选题:肉羊 + 畜牧业 ; 参考:《新疆农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Xinjiang is the second largest animal husbandry province in China. Animal husbandry plays an important role in the development of Xinjiang's national economy. In.2011, the output value of Xinjiang animal husbandry accounted for 21.22% of the total agricultural output value. The animal husbandry in Xinjiang is not only the pillar industry of the rural economy in Xinjiang, but also the main channel for the employment and increase of farmers and herdsmen. The total output value of Xinjiang mutton in the year of Xinjiang was in animal husbandry. The total proportion of the total output value of the industry is above 60%. Thus, the Mutton Industry in Xinjiang not only occupies an important position in the animal husbandry, but also plays an important role in the agriculture of Xinjiang. This paper is based on the theory of cost accounting, the theory of income related and the theory of total factor productivity, and uses the basic knowledge of statistics and economics to learn from the country. The existing research results, combined with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, studied the change trend of cost and benefit of mutton sheep breeding in Xinjiang agricultural and pastoral areas, the factors affecting production cost and production benefit, in order to provide reference for saving the material resources of meat sheep, reducing the cost of mutton sheep breeding and raising the efficiency of meat sheep breeding. By using the comprehensive statistical index analysis method, the deep reasons of the production cost and production benefit of mutton breeding in Xinjiang agricultural and pastoral areas were analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) the influence degree of the consumption of each item on the production cost in the Xinjiang pastoral area was greater than the price of each item, the cost of forage forage, the cost of feed salt, and the medical prevention. The cost of epidemic, other direct cost, the consumption of fixed assets depreciation expense has a great influence on the production cost, and the trend of the change of artificial cost is consistent with the changing trend of the consumption of each item. It shows that the influence of the consumption of each item on the cost of production is greater than the price of each item. (2) Xinjiang farmer. The change trend of the feed price of a meat sheep, the cost of fine feed, the cost of green forage, the change trend of the artificial cost and the consumption of each item is the same. It shows that the influence of the consumption of each item on the cost of production is greater than that of the price of each item. (3) the production efficiency of mutton sheep breeding in Xinjiang agricultural and pastoral areas, the influence degree and result of each 50kg mutton price, material and service cost and artificial cost on net profit per 50kg mutton are greater than that of each 50kg mutton material and service cost. The increase in the consumption of service makes the net profit increase. The change of labor cost has a greater impact on the profit than the labor day price. The deep analysis of the causes of the change in the production cost and benefit of mutton production in Xinjiang's agricultural and pastoral areas provides a theoretical basis for the high quality and efficient development of the sheep industry in Xinjiang.


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