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发布时间:2018-06-16 15:22

  本文选题:会计师事务所 + 企业战略管理 ; 参考:《兰州交通大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since 1980s, the accounting firms in China have developed for more than 30 years, and the accounting firms have also experienced a small to large, weak and stronger process. The total income of the.2013 accounting firm is 56 billion 320 million yuan, the top 100 revenue reaches 34 billion 756 million people, the top hundred income accounts for 61.71% of the total income. In order to see that the trend of large scale accounting firms in China is obvious. The internationalization of China's accounting firms is deepening and the access conditions of the accounting firms are loosening. The large accounting firms in our country are facing unprecedented huge challenges at present. Facing the fierce competition environment, the large accountants' affairs in our country are faced with the fierce competition. According to the information provided by the CPA, ZH ranked fifteenth in 2013 and 416 registered accountants in the whole country. The leading position in Hubei province is very prominent, but ZH is also facing many problems at present, such as the unreasonable age structure and educational structure of people, outside the province. The competitive ability is weak, and so on. Through the deep analysis of the development strategy of ZH, this paper finds the deep problems and further analyzes the problems. Finally, it provides some suggestions for improvement. This paper mainly focuses on the strategic problems of the large accounting firms in China. The accounting firms are in a special industry and belong to the secret intelligence. The core competitiveness of the collection service industry is mainly reflected in the rich customer resources and high quality service level, both as the purpose of the enterprise and the quality of service as a social intermediary. Combining these commonalities and personalities, this article takes the ZH accounting firm as an example. The research tools and related theories are introduced, and then the internal and external environment of Potter's five forces model, PEST model and SWOT analysis model are carefully analyzed. In the process of analysis, some competitive advantages of ZH accounting firms and the lack of improvement are found, and then it is suggested that ZH should be carried out in scale and concentric. In the process of strategy implementation, ZH should pay attention to establishing reasonable organization, building enterprise culture to enhance employees' sense of belonging and establishing early warning mechanism of strategic management to prevent system risk. Based on the development perspective of large accounting firms, this paper demonstrates the strong local strength from the direction of strategic management. How to become bigger and stronger is of great significance to the development of large local accounting firms in the future.


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