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发布时间:2018-06-17 21:11

  本文选题:精益生产 + 八大浪费 ; 参考:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:精益生产是通过系统结构、人员组织、运行方式和市场供求等方面的变革,使生产系统能很快适应用户需求不断变化,并能使生产过程中一切无用、多余的东西被精简,最终达到包括市场供销在内的生产的各方面最好结果的一种生产管理方式。由于其所提倡的不断消除浪费,最大程度地追求完美理念,能够增强企业适应市场多元化的应变能力,加快对市场变化的反应速度,从而获得更高的经济效益。因此,在市场竞争日渐激烈的今天,,精益生产方式成为各个行业争先追求并尝试的一种管理理念和实践模式。 虽然精益生产方式在当下为众多企业所效仿运用,但任何先进理念对于实践的价值在于其能否与生产进行有机的结合。因此,本文在对LS公司目前生产运营现状进行充分调研、分析、总结的基础上,结合精益生产理论,综合运用精益生产的相关技术方法,通过优化、改进流程以提高总体效益,降低流程中不增值的无效时间,以“一次做对”的高质量全过程生产管理作为终极目标,强化标准化作业与工作创新意识,融入精益供应链理念,以降低库存为手段,结合六西格玛管理等改善实践力求最大程度消除八大浪费,提高生产效率,从而达到在根本上降低生产成本,增强产品竞争力的根本目的。 通过精益生产在LS公司降低成本上的分析及价值研究,有利于对同类加工制造企业在今后的降低成本、提高生产效率等活动产生重要指导意义,同时对精益生产在国内企业的具体应用具有一定的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Lean production is through the system structure, personnel organization, operation mode, market supply and demand and other aspects of change, so that the production system can quickly adapt to the changing needs of users, and the production process of all useless, redundant things are streamlined, A form of production management that ultimately achieves the best results in all aspects of production, including market supply and marketing. Because of the continuous elimination of waste and the pursuit of the ideal of perfection, the enterprises can adapt to the diversification of the market, speed up the response to the market change, and obtain higher economic benefits. Therefore, in the increasingly fierce market competition today, lean production mode has become a management concept and practice model which is pursued and tried by various industries. Although lean production has been imitated and applied by many enterprises at present, the value of any advanced idea to practice lies in whether it can be combined with production organically. Therefore, on the basis of full investigation, analysis and summary of the current production and operation situation of LS Company, combined with lean production theory, this paper synthetically applies the relevant technical methods of lean production to improve the overall benefit by optimizing and improving the process. In order to reduce the invalid time without adding value in the process, take the "one time doing right" high quality whole process production management as the ultimate goal, strengthen the consciousness of standardized operation and work innovation, integrate the concept of lean supply chain, and take reducing inventory as the means, Combined with the six Sigma management and other improvement practices, the author tries to eliminate the eight waste and improve the production efficiency to achieve the fundamental goal of reducing the production cost and enhancing the competitiveness of the products. Through the analysis and value study of lean production in LS Company, it is helpful to reduce cost and improve production efficiency of similar processing and manufacturing enterprises in the future. At the same time, it has certain guiding significance for the specific application of lean production in domestic enterprises.


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