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发布时间:2018-06-18 03:11

  本文选题:资金 + 集中管理 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国经济体制改革的深入推进,,市场经济发展日渐成熟规范。经济增长方式逐步由粗放型向集约型过渡,财务集约化管理模式被越来越多的企业所采用。资金管理工作作为财务集约化管理的重要组成部分,其在企业经营过程中的作用也日益重要,资金是企业开展经营活动的最基本要素,资金管理水平的高低在很大程度上决定着企业的兴衰。各类型企业的发展均需依靠资金流的注入及科学合理的调度使用,可以说资金管理水平的高低是现代企业经营成败的关键,对于大型国有企业来讲更是如此。 国网天津城西供电公司作为大型国有企业,主要负责天津市南开、红桥、西青三个区域供电网络的建设、运行、维护、电力营销、管理和服务,服务范围632.93平方公里,服务人口165万人,服务总户数91.6万户。截止2013年12月31日,资产总额71.99亿元,年售电收入57.62亿元,资金管理工作的重要性对于城西公司的长远发展来讲无需多言。 本文以国网天津城西供电公司为例,在阐述相关资金集中管理的理论基础后,结合经济转型期的特点,从国网天津城西供电公司的资金集中管理工作的特点及现状入手,深入剖析,找出目前资金管理机制存在的不足,就如何在执行国家电网公司资金集中管理工作统一标准的基础上,对现有资金集中管理模式加以改进完善,探索出更加适合地市级供电企业的资金集中管理工作的科学模式,对其他供电企业资金集中管理工作的开展也有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of China's economic system reform, the development of market economy is becoming more and more mature and standardized. The mode of economic growth has gradually changed from extensive type to intensive type, and more enterprises have adopted the mode of financial intensive management. As an important part of financial intensive management, capital management plays an increasingly important role in the business process. The level of capital management largely determines the rise and fall of enterprises. The development of all types of enterprises depends on the injection of capital flow and the scientific and reasonable dispatch. It can be said that the level of capital management is the key to the success or failure of modern enterprises, especially for large state-owned enterprises. As a large state-owned enterprise, Tianjin Chengxi Power supply Company is mainly responsible for the construction, operation, maintenance, power marketing, management and service of three regional power supply networks in Nankai, Hongqiao and Xiqing in Tianjin, with a service range of 632.93 square kilometers. The service population is 1.65 million and the total number of service households is 916000. As of December 31, 2013, the total assets of 7.199 billion yuan, annual electricity sales revenue of 5.762 billion yuan, the importance of capital management for the long-term development of the company does not have to say much. This paper takes Tianjin Chengxi Power supply Company of National Power Network as an example, after expounding the theoretical basis of centralized capital management, combining the characteristics of economic transformation period, starting with the characteristics and current situation of centralized capital management of Tianjin Chengxi Power supply Company. To find out the shortcomings of the current fund management mechanism, and how to improve and perfect the existing centralized fund management mode on the basis of implementing the unified standard of centralized fund management of State Grid Company. This paper explores the scientific mode of centralized fund management for local and municipal power supply enterprises, which is useful for other power supply enterprises to carry out centralized fund management.


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