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发布时间:2018-06-19 03:33

  本文选题:“三资”管理 + 监管机制 ; 参考:《中国农业科学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:做好农村管理工作是我国全面建设小康社会,最终实现和谐社会目标的必然要求,是我国维持良好经济格局的基石。其中,农村“三资”管理工作是农村管理工作的重点。 农村集体“三资”管理就是对农村集体所拥有的资金、资产、资源进行的统一管理与监督。随着我国农村村民法律意识的不断提高以及农村集体经济的逐步发展,“三资”管理问题逐渐浮出水面,成为农民关注的焦点,同时也成为农村集体组织反腐倡廉工作的重心。近年来,延寿县因“三资”管理乏力已经严重影响了干群关系。因此,为彻底改变农村集体财务管理混乱、集体资产不断流失、集体资源确权不清晰等一系列问题,对农村“三资”管理问题展开研究十分必要和迫切。 对延寿县农村“三资”管理问题的探讨具有代表性,不仅可以为我国农村“三资”管理问题的深入研究提供参考,而且还有助于发现农村财务管理制度上的不足,进而促进财务管理制度的完善和创新,更有助于为延寿县农村现代化进程提供有力指导。至此,本文在农村“三资”管理的理论指导下,首先对延寿县的农村“三资”管理实际情况进行调查,,发现实际中农村“三资”管理存在的问题,然后分析问题产生的原因,并在此基础上,结合延寿县的实际情况提出改善延寿县农村“三资”管理现状的对策。即:一是全面清查核资,这是规范“三资”管理工作的基础;二是通过提高村干部的法律意识和责任意识、规范村干部选用、提高农村基层干部综合素质三个方面的论述,提出了如何加强延寿县农村“三资”管理队伍建设的有效途径;三是以实施内部控制制度和执行民主管理制度为途径实现健全的农村“三资”管理制度;四是为完善延寿县农村“三资”管理监督机制提出三个“强化”措施,即强化会计管制、强化审计监督、强化部门监督。
[Abstract]:Doing a good job in rural management is the inevitable requirement of building a well - off society in our country and finally achieving the goal of harmonious society , which is the cornerstone of maintaining a good economic structure in our country .

The management of the rural collective " three - capital " is the unified management and supervision of the funds , assets and resources owned by the rural collective . With the increasing of the legal consciousness of the rural villagers in our country and the gradual development of the rural collective economy , the " three - capital " management problem has become the focus of the peasants ' attention , and has become the focus of the anti - corruption and anti - corruption work of the rural collective organizations .

This paper , under the guidance of the theory of rural " three - capital " management , firstly investigates the actual situation of rural " three - capital " management in Yanshou County , and puts forward some countermeasures to improve the management of rural " three - capital " management in Yanshou county .
Second , by improving the legal consciousness and sense of responsibility of village cadres , standardizing the selection of village cadres and improving the comprehensive quality of rural grass - roots cadres , this paper puts forward some effective ways to strengthen the construction of rural " three - funded " management teams in Yanshou County ;
Third , to implement the internal control system and implement the democratic management system to realize the sound rural " three - funded " management system ;
The fourth is to provide three " strengthening " measures to improve the management and supervision mechanism of the rural " three - capital " management in Yanshou County , namely , strengthen the accounting control , strengthen the auditing supervision and strengthen the supervision of the department .


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