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发布时间:2018-06-20 00:52

  本文选题:招商银行 + 流程再造 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国加入WTO后的过渡期已经结束,中国银行业迎来了金融业的全面开放。作为我国金融业核心的中国银行业,在更加市场化的环境下,面临着国外银行的竞争。从2005年开始,为应对激烈的市场竞争和市场需求的变化,以信息技术的发展为基础,我国银行业开始探索“流程银行”建设。招商银行适时提出二次转型,实施“一个银行”战略,通过有效的流程管理使各条线业务流程完全打破部门的隔阂,向客户提供全流程、整体性服务,即真正的“一个银行”服务。会计业务流程是商业银行核心业务流程,通过业务流程再造可改善服务、控制风险、提高效率、减低成本,提升银行的核心竞争力。 本文借鉴国内外商业银行先进会计运营理论和同业流程再造的成功实践经验,以招商银行为研究对象,运用业务流程再造的理论和方法,对银行会计业务流程再造的方法、过程、预期效果等方面进行全面分析研究。首先通过业务流程再造的国内外文献综述,对业务流程再造理论作必要的阐述,为后续研究打下理论基础;然后从招商银行发展战略和流程银行建设的角度,分析招商银行会计业务流程再造的构想和计划;在招商银行流程再造基本方针的指导下,引入国际IT企业的技术支持,对招商银行传统会计业务流程进行分析、诊断,发现其中存在的问题,对会计柜面业务流程和组织架构进行彻底的重新设计;进而阐述业务流程再造的新流程实施和保障措施,对新流程带来的风险控制因素变化进行探讨,最后对招商银行会计业务流程再造的预期效果进行分析。
[Abstract]:The transition period after China's entry into the WTO has ended, and the Chinese banking industry has ushered in the full opening of the financial industry. As the core of China's financial industry, China's banking industry is facing competition from foreign banks in a more market-oriented environment. From 2005, the development of information technology has been developed to cope with the fierce market competition and the changes in market demand. The banking industry in China began to explore the construction of "process bank". China Merchants Bank put forward the two transformation in time and implemented a "one bank" strategy. Through effective process management, the business process of each line completely broke the gap of the Department, provided the whole process, the whole service, that is, the real "one bank" service. Cheng is the core business process of commercial banks. Business process reengineering can improve services, control risks, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the core competitiveness of banks.
Based on the advanced accounting operation theory of domestic and foreign commercial banks and the successful experience of reengineering of business process reengineering, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis and Research on the method, process and expected effect of BPR in the bank by using the theory and method of business process reengineering. The domestic and foreign literature review, the theory of business process reengineering is necessary to explain the theoretical basis for the follow-up research, and then from the perspective of the development strategy of China Merchants Bank and the construction of the process bank, the concept and plan of the business process reengineering of China Merchants Bank are analyzed. Under the guidance of the basic policy of the business process reengineering of China Merchants Bank, the introduction of the country is introduced. IT enterprise technology support, the traditional accounting business process of China Merchants Bank analysis, diagnosis, find out the existing problems, the accounting business process and organizational structure of the thorough redesign, and then explain the new process of business process reengineering and guarantee measures, the new process of risk control factors change into the change Finally, the expected effect of accounting business process reengineering of China Merchants Bank is analyzed.


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