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发布时间:2018-06-20 13:38

  本文选题:生猪 + 成本 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:畜牧业作为我国农村经济的传统优势产业,也是农民收入的重要来源之一,其发展水平也是作为判断一个国家农业的现代化水平高低的重要标准。猪肉的产量(2012年度全年肉类总产量8384万吨,其中猪肉产量就有5335万吨,占肉类总产量的64%)决定了生猪养殖业在畜牧业中占有非常重要的地位,大力发展生猪产业有助于保证肉类产品的稳定供给,有效促进农民增收、农村剩余劳动力转化等。中央从2007年下半年开始加大了对生猪生产发展的扶持力度,陆续颁布了10项支持生猪养殖产业的政策,为我国今后一段时期生猪养殖产业向着标准化规模养殖发展指明了方向。 为了能够充分研究成都市农村生猪养殖成本的变化趋势,笔者采用案例分析法、比较分析法、定量分析与定性分析法等方法,以2008-2011年成都市生猪养殖成本、收益等数据为基础,在界定农户生猪养殖规模的同时,研究两个生猪养殖周期中,成都市农村生猪饲养的成本效益情况,分析生猪养殖的成本构成和成本变化趋势。 通过研究得出:1、影响成都市生猪生产成本的关键是仔猪成本、饲料成本和人工成本三项。其中仔猪成本总体呈下降趋势,饲料成本和人工成本呈逐年上涨趋势;2、从抵抗波动周期能力来看,发展规模养殖是未来趋势。随着养殖规模的扩大,养殖利润波动减小,抵抗波动周期能力增强;3、从成本收益角度来看,发展规模养殖是未来趋势。随着养殖规模的扩大,养殖成本降低,养殖效益提高。从而得出在现今以及今后一段时间,类似于成都三圈层的我国城郊农村的生猪养殖模式应由散养模式逐步过渡到小规模养殖,但同时中等规模养殖模式也是未来发展的方向之一。 本文还就未来成都市生猪养殖业的发展提出了以下具体建议:一是要科学养殖,加快生猪品种改良,推广精细化饲养管理技术,综合提高生猪生产效率;二是要发展饲料业,降低生猪生产成本;三是要通过多元化发展、完善制度、强化能力建设、加大扶持力度等形式,培育壮大生猪专业合作社;四是要健全价格监测预警机制和信息发布机制,建立保险机制,降低生猪养殖风险;五是要狠抓污染防治,改善养殖环境。
[Abstract]:Animal husbandry is the traditional advantage industry of our country's rural economy and one of the important sources of farmers' income. Its development level is also an important standard to judge the modernization level of a country's agriculture. The production of pork is 83.84 million tons in the whole year of 2012, of which 53.35 million tons is pork, which accounts for 64% of the total output of meat. This determines that pig breeding plays a very important role in animal husbandry. The development of pig industry is helpful to ensure the stable supply of meat products, increase farmers' income and transform rural surplus labor force. Since the second half of 2007, the central government has increased the support for the production and development of live pigs, and promulgated 10 policies to support the pig breeding industry one after another, pointing out the direction for the future development of the pig breeding industry towards the standardized scale in China. In order to fully study the changing trend of pig breeding cost in Chengdu rural areas, the author adopts the methods of case analysis, comparative analysis, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, based on the data of the cost and income of Chengdu pig breeding from 2008 to 2011. At the same time, the paper studies the cost-benefit of raising live pigs in the rural areas of Chengdu, and analyzes the cost composition and cost change trend of pig breeding. The key factors affecting the production cost of Chengdu live pig are piglet cost, feed cost and labor cost. The overall cost of piglets showed a downward trend, feed cost and labor cost increased year by year. From the ability of resisting fluctuation cycle, the development of scale breeding is the future trend. With the expansion of aquaculture scale, the fluctuation of aquaculture profit decreases, and the ability of resisting fluctuation cycle increases. From the point of view of cost and benefit, developing scale aquaculture is the future trend. With the expansion of the scale of aquaculture, the cost of aquaculture is reduced, and the efficiency of aquaculture is improved. Thus, it is concluded that, at present and for some time to come, the pig breeding model in the suburbs of China similar to the three circles of Chengdu should be gradually transferred from a free-range model to a small-scale one. But at the same time, the medium-scale breeding model is also one of the future development directions. The paper also puts forward the following specific suggestions for the future development of the pig breeding industry in Chengdu: first, it is necessary to scientifically breed pigs, speed up the improvement of pig breeds, popularize the fine raising and management techniques, and comprehensively improve the production efficiency of live pigs; second, it is necessary to develop the feed industry. To reduce the production cost of live pigs; third, to foster and strengthen the professional hog cooperatives through diversified development, perfect the system, strengthen the capacity building, and increase the support; fourth, to improve the price monitoring and warning mechanism and the information dissemination mechanism. Establish insurance mechanism, reduce the risk of pig breeding, fifth, pay close attention to pollution prevention and improve the breeding environment.


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