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发布时间:2018-06-23 00:50

  本文选题:公允价值 + 金融工具 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:会计的核心是计量。随着市场经济的不断发展,现代企业的股权分散程度不断提高,企业面临着与日俱增的各种不确实因素,加之大量金融工具的不断涌现,财务报告使用者对高质量会计信息的要求日益迫切,提供决策有用的会计信息成为财务报告的目标。传统历史成本计量反映的会计信息由于不能公允反映计量对象的现实价值,甚至导致信息相关者决策失误,已越发不能满足财务报表使用者的需求。因此,,人们将目标转向面向未来、能够及时反映环境变化的公允价值计量。20世纪90年代初美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)开始逐步采用公允价值计量金融工具,并于2006年9月发布SFAS157“公允价值计量”公告,随后公允价值得到国际会计准则理事会(IASB)的支持,并在越来越多的国家和地区运用。2006年我国颁布的新会计准则重新引入公允价值计量这一计量属性。 从传统历史成本计量向公允价值计量的转变给会计界带来深远的影响。公允价值计量的应用效果及公允价值的价值相关性问题成为近年来会计理论界和实务界争论的焦点。2007年的“次贷”危机,实务界对公允价值的质疑更加强烈。同样,公允价值在我国应用的经历也是一波三折。当前,伴随新准则的实施,我国上市公司资产和负债尤其是金融工具方面的公允价值信息不断披露。这为我们研究我国特定制度和新兴资本市场环境下公允价值应用的效果和价值相关性问题提供了难得的机遇。基于以上背景,本文确立了“金融工具公允价值信息的价值相关性研究”这一研究选题。 本文主要采用规范和实证研究相结合的方法。首先对国内外相关文献进行综述,总结前人的研究经验;其次,在理论层面上对公允价值相关理论、公允价值计量在金融工具中的应用进行研究;最后以我国金融保险业A股上市公司为研究样本,检验了金融工具公允价值信息的价值相关性。本文主要内容如下: 第一章,导言。本章主要介绍了公允价值的研究背景和意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法和技术路线等。 第二章,公允价值相关理论研究。本章首先回顾了各界对公允价值概念的探索,在此基础上,阐述了公允价值的定义、特征及其应用的基本理论。继而对公允价值的获取技术进行了详细的探究。最后指出价值相关性是检验会计信息相关性的标准。 第三章,公允价值计量在金融工具中的应用。本章从金融工具自身特殊性的角度和公允价值信息相关性角度两个方面分析了金融工具应当选择公允价值计量的原因。随后,详细阐述了公允价值计量在金融工具中的具体应用。 第四章,公允价值相关性实证研究。本章采用实证研究的方法,运用价值相关性研究的价格模型检验我国金融保险业A股上市公司金融工具公允价值信息的相关性,以检验是否与本章假设分析相一致。 第五章,金融工具公允价值计量与披露的保障性措施。由实证分析的结果,总结出我国金融工具在运用公允价值计量中存在的问题与不足,继而从计量与披露等方面提出改善金融工具计量现状的措施。 第六章,结论与展望。本章总结了本文的研究结论,并在分析自身局限性的基础上提出对未来研究的展望。
[Abstract]:The core of accounting is measuring . With the development of market economy , the spread of stock rights of modern enterprises is constantly increasing , and enterprises are facing with the increasing demand of financial instruments . The accounting information which is reflected by traditional historical cost measurement becomes the target of financial reporting . Therefore , the accounting information reflected by traditional historical cost measurement can not meet the needs of users of financial statements .

The change from traditional historical cost measurement to fair value measurement has far - reaching influence on the accounting world . The application effect of fair value measurement and the value relevance of fair value have become the focus of the debate between the accounting theory and practice circles in recent years .

This paper mainly adopts the combination of normative and empirical research . Firstly , this paper summarizes the relevant literatures at home and abroad , summarizes the previous research experience .
Secondly , at the theoretical level , the application of fair value theory and fair value measurement in financial instruments is studied .
Finally , the value relevance of the fair value information of financial instruments is tested by using the A - share listed company of our country ' s financial insurance industry as the research sample . The main contents of this paper are as follows :

The first chapter introduces the research background and significance of the fair value , the research situation , the research method and the technical route at home and abroad .

In chapter 2 , the theory of fair value is studied . At first , this chapter reviews the definition , characteristics and basic theory of fair value , and then makes a detailed inquiry into the acquisition technology of fair value . Finally , it points out that the value correlation is the standard to test the correlation of accounting information .

Chapter 3 : The application of fair value measurement in financial instruments . This chapter analyzes the reason why financial instruments should choose the fair value measure from the angle of the particularity of financial instruments and the correlation angle of fair value information . Then , the specific application of fair value measurement in financial instruments is elaborated in detail .

Chapter 4 : Empirical study on the correlation between fair value and fair value . In this chapter , we use the method of empirical research , and use the price model of value correlation research to test the correlation between the fair value information of financial instruments of Chinese financial insurance industry A - share listed companies , so as to check whether or not to accord with the hypothesis analysis of this chapter .

Chapter five , the measure and the safeguard measure of fair value measurement and disclosure of financial instruments . Based on the results of the empirical analysis , the problems and shortcomings of the financial instruments in the application of fair value measurement are summarized , and the measures to improve the measurement of financial instruments are put forward from the aspects of measurement and disclosure .

In chapter 6 , conclusions and prospects are summarized in this chapter , and the prospect of future research is put forward based on the analysis of its limitations .


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