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发布时间:2018-06-23 01:55

  本文选题:环保转移镀铝卡纸 + 项目 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:环保镀铝转移卡纸是由国外引入的新型包装材料,它具有很强的金属质感,可进行印刷、着手,对红外光、紫外光有良好的反向能力及隔温、避光、防潮、隔水、抗氧化等特性。由于其用铝量少(为铝泊用量的0.5%及以下),成本低,柔韧性好,节约资源,而且可降解回收,是一种新型的环保包装材料。在国内外广泛用于香烟、食品、医药、商标的包装装璜等领域,目前国内年需求量约800万吨,且以年10%递增,现国内约有一半需从国外进口。该材料用于替代PET/铝箔/金银卡纸复合材料,有利于环保和节约资源。 引进环保转移铝卡纸项目,将PET膜置于纸或纸板复合,再将PET膜剥落(PET膜可反复使用多次),铝分子层通过胶黏作用转移到纸或纸板,再进行复合。这样不但美观,成本低,柔韧性好,节约资源,而且可降解回收,同时,也将给公司带来可观的利润。该项目的承办单位某彩印包装公司,虽然是我省加碘食盐复合小包装材料定点生产基地,亦是为食品、茶叶、糖业、真空保鲜、奶制品(液、固)、冰袋等行业提供塑/塑、塑/铝、纸/塑复合彩印软包装膜、袋的专业生产厂家,但是,该彩印包装公司面临着许多挑战,比如缺乏对生产线管理经验、财力和物力有限,产品研发能力不足,同时,公司客户较单一,客户需求也容易随国家政策的改变而改变,原有技术已不能适应形势,如此种种,使该彩印包装公司陷入是否投资的困境中。 建设项目投资分析将系统地、全面地、科学地对投资环境、竞争对手、投资收益、投资回收期等项进行专业分析,使投资者对投资各种情况有一个较为深入的了解,是投资决策有力的参考文献,他对投资决策将有重要的影响力。本文通过研究建设项目投资管理的基本理论,对某彩印公司环保转移镀铝卡纸生产线建设项目的可行性进行研究,进行环保转移镀铝卡纸生产线建设项目进行技术引进评价、市场预测、投资估算、财务分析、风险分析、环境保护分析及社会评价分析,对项目可行性进行定性和定量分析,根据项目分析结果对某彩印厂是否适合投资环保转移镀铝卡纸项目做出决策。
[Abstract]:Environmentally friendly aluminized transfer card paper is a new packaging material introduced by foreign countries. It has a strong sense of metal texture, it can be printed, started, and has good reverse ability to infrared light and ultraviolet light, as well as insulation of temperature, light, moisture, water, etc. Antioxidant properties. It is a new kind of environmental protection packaging material because of its low amount of aluminum (0.5% or less of the amount of aluminum), low cost, good flexibility, saving resources, and can be degraded and recovered. It is widely used in the fields of cigarette, food, medicine, trademark packaging and decoration at home and abroad. At present, the domestic demand is about 8 million tons per year, and it is increasing by 10% per year. At present, about half of our country needs to be imported from abroad. The material is used to replace PET / aluminum foil / honeysuckle paper composite, which is beneficial to environmental protection and resource saving. Introduce environmental protection transfer aluminum paper, put PET film in paper or board composite, then peeling off PET film (PET film can be used repeatedly), aluminum molecular layer transfer to paper or board through adhesion, and then compound. This not only beautiful, low-cost, flexible, save resources, but also degradable recycling, but also will bring considerable profits to the company. The undertaking unit of this project is a color printing and packaging company, although it is the designated production base of iodized salt compound small packaging materials in our province, it is also for the food, tea, sugar, vacuum preservation, milk products (liquid, solid), ice bags and other industries to provide plastic / plastic, Plastic / aluminum, paper / plastic composite color printing soft packaging film, bag manufacturers, but the color printing packaging company faces many challenges, such as lack of production line management experience, limited financial and material resources, product R & D capacity, at the same time, The company has a single customer, and the customer needs change easily with the change of the national policy. The original technology can not adapt to the situation, so the color printing and packaging company is in the dilemma of whether to invest or not. Investment analysis of construction projects will systematically, comprehensively and scientifically analyze the investment environment, competitors, investment returns, investment payback periods, and so on, so that investors can have a deeper understanding of the various investment situations. It is a powerful reference for investment decision, and it will have important influence on investment decision. By studying the basic theory of investment management of construction project, this paper studies the feasibility of the construction project of environmental protection transfer aluminized card paper production line of a color printing company, and carries on the technology introduction evaluation of environmental protection transfer aluminized card paper production line construction project. Market forecasting, investment estimation, financial analysis, risk analysis, environmental protection analysis and social evaluation analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis of project feasibility, According to the result of project analysis, a decision is made on whether a color printing factory is suitable for environmental protection transfer of aluminized paper plating.


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