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发布时间:2018-06-25 21:42

  本文选题:行政单位会计制度 + 现行制度 ; 参考:《财务与会计》2013年01期

[Abstract]:With the release and implementation of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises in 2006, China has basically established a system of accounting standards for enterprises that can meet the requirements of market economy and internationalization. By contrast, the administrative and institutional accounting system reform is slightly lagging behind. Taking the accounting system of administrative units as an example, the current accounting system of administrative units in our country has not been significantly revised for more than ten years, and the original accounting system has more traces of planned economic management system, and it also has defects on the theoretical basis. Therefore, it is necessary to further revise and perfect the accounting system of administrative units in our country, and establish an accounting system of administrative units that fully meets the requirements of the market economy and the reform of the financial management system. 1. The problems existing in the current "Administrative Unit Accounting system" (1) cover the incomplete scope of the current "Administrative Unit Accounting system" (hereinafter referred to as the current system) and fail to cover all economic and business matters of the administrative unit,
【作者单位】: 山东财经大学会计学院;


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