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发布时间:2018-06-26 12:13

  本文选题:农村 + 会计 ; 参考:《农村经济与科技》2018年02期

[Abstract]:After China's entry into WTO, the whole national economy of our country is in the stage of growth, the development of rural finance is always the concern of the government, and the rural accounting management system is the core problem of economic management. In order to meet the competition needs of market development and increase farmers' economic income, rural financial management needs to strengthen the management of rural accounting, and it is necessary to strictly control the accounting work. We should formulate a complete accounting system to ensure the implementation of accounting work in rural economic production, and at the same time, we should standardize accounting work procedures and create a good working atmosphere for accounting work in rural areas. In order to adapt to the reform of rural accounting, adapt to the new situation of social development, increase the competitiveness of rural economy. However, due to the special nature of agricultural accounting, and the limitations of rural accounting work, this paper expounds the current situation of rural accounting management, and puts forward some solutions and suggestions.
【作者单位】: 蛟河市河南街农村经济管理服务中心


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