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发布时间:2018-06-27 10:28

  本文选题:TOC + DMAIC流程 ; 参考:《天津科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:China's pharmaceutical industry has been market-oriented for more than 30 years. With the rapid economic development of China since the reform and opening up, the pharmaceutical industry has also reached a relatively high level of marketization, and has already had certain difficulties to overcome. Ability to solve problems. In recent years, the state has issued a series of policies, laws, regulations and standards to standardize and adjust the policies and regulatory policies of the pharmaceutical industry. Any regulation and control will have a certain degree of influence on the benefit pattern of the pharmaceutical industry or related pharmaceutical industry chain. It will promote the rapid development of some enterprises and some enterprises will face the pressure and risk brought by the policy regulation. With the introduction of a series of policies such as lowering the price and restricting the use of antibiotics, there is no doubt that the production enterprises in the antibiotic industry chain will face enormous survival pressure and unprecedented operational difficulties, and face the restrictions on antibiotic policies and regulations. As the bidding price of essential drugs continues to decline, it is becoming more and more difficult to pursue market opportunities in the periphery of essential drugs as the margin of essential drugs becomes smaller. Drugs listed in the list of basic drugs must be subject to bidding, and drug companies must exchange low drug prices for sales. Therefore, in order to base itself on the pharmaceutical market, Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group Jinkang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. must adjust its product structure and improve its own advantages. It must work hard to raise quality, increase income rate, control costs, and reduce energy consumption. Increase the market competitiveness of enterprise products. In this paper, we take several points on the chain of cephalosporins as examples to study the improvement of product quality and yield. Based on the DMAIC process based on TOC, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the cost of GCLE API, and finds out the method to control the cost of GCLE API by studying the GCLE API intermediate of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group Jinkang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Achieve the goal of reducing costs. In this paper, the production of GCLE is investigated and analyzed, and some factors affecting the product cost are found out. Secondly, the indexes affecting the product quality and yield are quantified, and the regression model is established by excel. Through the analysis and determination of reasonable technical parameters, the product quality and yield are improved under the condition of these technical parameters, so as to achieve the goal of reducing the production cost. Thirdly, adhere to the principle of PDCA, analyze the new problems that affect the product quality. The final technical parameters can optimize the quality and raw material cost of GCLE API and achieve the purpose of cost control. The research results of this paper can save a certain production cost for the enterprise, the research method can play some reference role to the enterprise interior, and promote the management level of the enterprise to a certain extent more scientific and reasonable.


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