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发布时间:2018-06-28 21:14

  本文选题:合同能源管理 + 法律风险 ; 参考:《财会月刊》2015年19期

[Abstract]:In order to encourage the strengthening of energy management, the state issued a series of fiscal tax preferential policies. In the context of "camp change and increase", the risk of energy project management highlights. Based on the contract energy management project carried out by CD Company and BG Company, this paper analyzes the special legal risks such as fiscal and tax policies and so on, and puts forward some suggestions on the prevention of project fiscal and tax risks. According to the characteristics of the contract energy management project, the enterprise should take the financial and tax risk of the project as the key point of project control, implement the risk control measures in the early stage of the contract, and bring the preferential revenue of finance and tax into the project budget management system. The model of project revenue profit is established, the contract terms are standardized, and the legal risk control system of the contract energy management project is improved.
【作者单位】: 中冶赛迪集团重庆赛迪工程咨询有限公司;


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3 杨U,




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