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发布时间:2018-06-29 05:21

  本文选题:管理会计工具 + 价值链 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The application of management accounting in foreign countries has been very mature. It has played a great role in improving the efficiency and increasing the efficiency of enterprises and has been widely accepted by large enterprises abroad. With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the improvement of computer system technology, the traditional accounting work has been replaced by the system. It is necessary to promote management accounting and find out the new value of financial personnel from management accounting in line with the development of international accounting industry. On the other hand, the scale of business operation is getting larger and larger, and the market is changing all the time and the amount of information is very large. Enterprises should adapt to the constant changes in the market. And the senior managers of enterprises are demanding more and more financial personnel to participate in the management of the whole value chain in the operation of the enterprises, and to participate in the management of the whole value chain of the operations of the enterprises. Such requirements and the role of management accounting have a good agreement. The research of management accounting is also regarded as the key development direction of the state and enterprises at present and in the following years by the Ministry of Finance and the domestic accounting circles. Therefore, the financial personnel take advantage of the state's emphasis on management accounting to learn advanced management accounting tools at home and abroad, and combine them with the national conditions and the actual conditions of the enterprises to apply them, so as to contribute their own strength to the development of enterprises. Reflect the value of management accounting. However, management accounting is still in the state of theory and practice in China. The research on this aspect will be of great help to both individuals and enterprises. It can embody personal value to oneself, let the staff use advanced management accounting tools to bring more and more benefit to the enterprise. Starting with the research and application of management accounting at home and abroad, this paper sums up and explains the categories of management accounting tools. Based on the analysis of some problems existing in the daily management of the author's company W, and through the introduction of appropriate management accounting tools in cost and expense control to strengthen the management, Explain the role of management accounting tools in cost and cost control after use. Of course, some new management accounting tools are used in the company. There are more or less problems in the personnel thought, process and management mode of the company. The reasons for these problems are summarized and analyzed, and some countermeasures are put forward. At the end of the article, some prospects are given for the development of management accounting in China.


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