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发布时间:2018-06-29 17:06

  本文选题:农业上市公司 + 绩效评价 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国农业问题一直是国家和政府关注的重点。农业是国民经济的基础,“三农”问题是我国经济工作的重中之重,关系到国民经济的发展全局,2014年中央一号文件再次强调要加强农业的基础地位。在中国证券市场上,农业上市公司占据行业板块的重要战略地位,代表了我国农业的先进生产力,在推动农业现代化转型的洪流中起了到了龙头先锋作用。然而,由于自然灾害、金融危机和外来竞争者的挑战,我国农业的发展起起伏伏。农业上市公司背农、转型、违法违规的现象屡见不鲜,逐渐暴露出规模小、发展不稳定、经济绩效不容乐观等弊端,随着资本市场的快速发展,农业上市公司的比例不仅不升反降,整体经营业绩下滑,甚至掀起了退市高潮。通过绩效评价找到影响农业上市公司绩效的原因,然后通过有针对性的措施改善其绩效,对提高农业上市公司可持续发展有着重要理论和实践价值。 首先阐述了研究背景、目的及意义,归纳并整理了国内外的相关文献,阐述了上市公司财务绩效评价理论基础,为本文的绩效评价研究提供理论支撑。其次对我国农业上市公司发展现状及绩效评价存在的问题进行分析,在此基础上,基于因子分析法对沪深两市42家农业上市公司2010-2012年的财务绩效进行实证分析,结果表明:我国农业上市公司的整体业绩较差,呈“两头小,中间大”的橄榄型分布;农业上市公司“背农”现象严重,各子行业发展不均衡;农业上市公司的成长能力、现金流量能力和偿债能力水平低下。最后,结合企业内部管理与外部环境提出提升农业上市公司绩效的以下对策与建议:加强企业管理,提高经营业绩和盈利能力;控制负债水平,提升偿债能力;合理配置资源,提高企业营运能力;加强技术创新,培育优质农产品品牌,提升发展空间;侧重发展薄弱子能力,以形成均衡合理的能力结构;政府应积极营造外部环境,为农业上市公司发展创造良好条件:鼓励农业上市公司优化重组,促进企业间组成战略联盟,最终实现共赢。希望有助于农业上市公司寻找自身差距、挖掘潜力、提高企业管理水平,推动农业上市公司的稳健发展,实现国家农业产业化的宏伟目标。
[Abstract]:China's agricultural problems have been the focus of national and government attention. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, and the issue of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" is the most important issue in China's economic work, which is related to the overall situation of the development of the national economy. In 2014, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee stressed once again the need to strengthen the basic position of agriculture. In China's securities market, agricultural listed companies occupy an important strategic position in the sector, represent the advanced productive forces of agriculture in China, and play a leading and pioneering role in the current of promoting the transformation of agricultural modernization. However, due to natural disasters, financial crisis and challenges from foreign competitors, China's agricultural development ups and downs. The phenomenon of agricultural listed companies carrying agriculture, transforming, breaking laws and regulations is common, and gradually exposes some disadvantages, such as small scale, unstable development, unoptimistic economic performance and so on. With the rapid development of the capital market, The proportion of agricultural listed companies not only did not rise but decline, overall business performance decline, and even set off a high tide of delisting. It is of great theoretical and practical value for the sustainable development of agricultural listed companies to find out the causes that affect the performance of agricultural listed companies through performance evaluation and then to improve their performance through targeted measures. Firstly, this paper expounds the background, purpose and significance of the research, summarizes and collates the relevant literature at home and abroad, expounds the theoretical basis of financial performance evaluation of listed companies, and provides theoretical support for the research of performance evaluation in this paper. Secondly, this paper analyzes the current situation of agricultural listed companies in China and the problems in performance evaluation. On this basis, the financial performance of 42 agricultural listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2010 to 2012 is analyzed empirically based on factor analysis. The results show that the overall performance of agricultural listed companies in China is poor, showing a "small, large middle" type of olive distribution, the phenomenon of "back farming" of agricultural listed companies is serious, the development of various sub-industries is not balanced, the growth ability of agricultural listed companies, Low level of cash flow and solvency. Finally, combined with the internal management and external environment, the following countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to improve the performance of agricultural listed companies: strengthening enterprise management, improving business performance and profitability, controlling debt levels, enhancing solvency, and allocating resources reasonably. Enhance enterprise operating capacity; strengthen technological innovation, cultivate high-quality agricultural product brands, and enhance development space; focus on the development of weak sub-capabilities to form a balanced and rational capacity structure; the government should actively create an external environment. To create good conditions for the development of agricultural listed companies: encourage agricultural listed companies to optimize restructuring, promote the formation of strategic alliances among enterprises, and finally achieve win-win results. It is hoped that it will help agricultural listed companies to find their own gap, tap potential, improve the level of enterprise management, promote the steady development of agricultural listed companies, and realize the grand goal of national agricultural industrialization.


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