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发布时间:2018-06-29 19:46

  本文选题:会计师事务所 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《南京邮电大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The profession of certified public accountant (CPA) is the profession which provides the accounting information authentication and the related service, and plays an important role in the supervision system of the market economy by virtue of its professional characteristics. Although China's CPA industry started late, it has made great progress and achievements with the development of national economy. With China's entry into the WTO, the international "four" accounting firms are rapidly seizing the domestic market, and local accounting firms are facing enormous threats and challenges. Therefore, the state has introduced a series of policies and measures to encourage domestic firms to become bigger and stronger, and to play a greater role in the market economy. Since its establishment 20 years ago, the company has been developing and growing with Jiangsu Province as the center. Now it has set up nine branches in three provinces of the country and ranked 23rd in the industry comprehensive ranking in 2013. It always insists on honesty and quality in its operation. The principle of service supremacy, with many years of good performance and reputation, government departments at all levels of recognition and market recognition, has established a good social reputation. In recent years, with the intensification of competition in the industry, S firms also encountered a lot of difficulties in the development. Facing the opportunity and challenge in the new situation, S firm urgently needs to define its position in the market and seek to support its development strategy of becoming bigger and stronger in the future. This article takes S accounting firm as a case to carry on the correlation research, on the basis of introducing the related theory background and the firm basic situation, first uses the pest analysis method and the five forces model to carry on the analysis and the appraisal to the S firm facing external environment. Then it analyzes the development strategy combination of S firm through SWOT analysis, and then evaluates and selects, formulates the strategic direction of future development, and puts forward the corresponding implementation way and safeguard measure. The significance of this paper is to combine the development strategy of an accounting firm with a firm to solve the actual problems encountered in the survival and development of an enterprise, which is of practical significance.


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