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发布时间:2018-07-03 01:54

  本文选题:供应链 + 供应链融资 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the situation of rapid economic development in China, private enterprises play a very important role in the process of development. Therefore, the development of private enterprises has become the focus of theoretical and practical research, among which the problem of private enterprise financing is the focus. The emergence of supply chain financing provides an opportunity for the development of private enterprises. At present, the major commercial banks in our country pay more and more attention to the supply chain financial business. On the basis of investigation and practice based on their own actual situation, they have developed a large number of products about the supply chain financial business. After decades of development, the industrial structure of aluminum industry in SD company has been improved and optimized, and a complete industrial chain has been gradually formed. However, after more than 10 years' development, the private enterprise SD company has been unable to meet the demand of SD company because of its limited mortgage guarantee assets, and now it is facing a severe problem of financing. So the emergence of new financing is an effective way to ease the financing dilemma of SD Company. Based on the investigation and data collection of aluminum industry and the current situation of SD company's financing dilemma, this paper studies the new financing method of SD company, which is supply chain financing. On the basis of summing up the definition, characteristics, basic models and relevant theories of supply chain financing, this paper analyzes the current financial situation and the necessity of developing supply chain financing in the light of the basic situation of SD Company. Then it analyzes the internal and external environment of SD company's development supply chain financing from different angles, and then analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of SD company's development supply chain financing business. Then from different stages to establish a reasonable supply chain financing development plan for SD company to help them out of the financing dilemma and expect the effect after the development of supply chain financing; Finally, the paper explains the risks in the process of developing supply chain financing, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for these risks.


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