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发布时间:2018-07-03 13:03

  本文选题:上市商业银行 + 财务绩效 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:过去几十年,随着改革开放的深入实施和社会主义经济的迅猛发展,中国商业银行的业务经营呈现出强健协调的发展态势,规模、质量和效益都得以显著提高。在服务实体经济要求,优化资源配置,积极支持国家重点建设项目,帮扶小微企业及新兴产业方面发挥了不可替代的作用。到目前中国已有十六家银行成功上市,无论是从融资规模,还是从推动经济发展的角度,这些上市的商业银行已成为中国资本市场的支柱。 如今,中国银行业面临的内外部环境正发生着深刻的变化。从国际上看,在美国财政悬崖、欧洲债务危机、全球流动性过剩、贸易保护主义抬头的背景下,世界经济呈现出动荡姿态,,欧美许多金融机构纷纷倒闭。从国内环境来看,经济增速放缓,利率市场化加速,小额贷款公司纷纷成立,三板市场扩容正试图改变融资难、投资难的局面。这些都导致中国金融业态发生显著变化,金融机构在小微企业、县域市场、私人银行等领域的竞争日趋激烈,也迫使中国银行业业务经营转型步伐明显加快,综合经营、全球布局、互联网金融、表外业务成为银行业的重要发展动向。在这种背景下,中国商业银行更应高度关注其财务绩效和经营状况,因为这不仅关系到一家银行能否抓住这个转型的机遇,实现自身核心竞争力的提升,更影响到中国经济及金融市场能否持续健康的发展。 基于此,本文参考国内外有关财务绩效的研究成果,并结合中国银行业现状,对中国上市商业银行的财务绩效进行研究。论文内容如下:首先阐述研究的背景、意义、方法和思路、创新点和不足以及国内外有关文献综述及研究成果。其次,对中国银行业的内外部环境进行分析。外部环境包括宏观环境、产业环境、竞争环境三个方面;内部环境分析则集中于企业资源、成功关键因素、核心能力三个方面。并且选取影响商业银行安全性、流动性、收益稳定性、盈利性、成长性五个方面的十一个关键财务指标构建商业银行财务绩效评价体制。在实证部分,对中国十六家上市商业银行已公布的最近三年的11个关键财务指标做因子分析。这十六家上市银行不仅财务实力雄厚而且经营稳健,经营风险相对较少,有利于对中国银行业未来发展趋势进行预测,并且本文为这十六家银行上市商业银行的财务绩效进行打分,从统计学角度和经济学角度对其进行分析。最后本文将结合有关现代银行财务绩效理论及分析结果为各利益相关者提供有价值的政策建议。
[Abstract]:In the past few decades , with the in - depth implementation of the reform and opening - up and the rapid development of the socialist economy , the business management of China ' s commercial banks has been remarkably improved in terms of the development trend , scale , quality and benefit of the strong and coordinated development . At present , China has played an irreplaceable role in the economic requirements of the service entities , optimizing the allocation of resources , actively supporting the national key construction projects , helping small enterprises and emerging industries .

In this context , China ' s commercial banks are increasingly concerned about their financial performance and operating conditions . In this context , China ' s commercial banks should pay more attention to their financial performance and operating conditions . In this context , China ' s commercial banks should pay more attention to their financial performance and operating conditions . In this context , China ' s commercial banks should be able to seize the opportunity of the transformation and realize the promotion of their core competitiveness , and more influence the sustained and healthy development of China ' s economy and financial markets .

Based on this , this paper makes a study on the financial performance of China ' s listed commercial banks by referring to the research results of financial performance at home and abroad and combining the present situation of China ' s banking industry .
The internal environment analysis focuses on three aspects of enterprise resource , success factor and core competence , and selects eleven key financial indexes which affect the safety , liquidity , return stability , profitability and growth of commercial banks .


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