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发布时间:2018-07-03 17:48

  本文选题:上海合作组织 + 双边贸易成本测算 ; 参考:《新疆财经大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the traditional trade theory model, the variable of trade cost is always assumed to be an exogenous variable and excluded from the basic theoretical model. With the continuous innovation of international trade theory, as the core influence factor of international trade, trade cost is paid more and more attention, and widely adopted and applied in related research fields. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO or SCO) has made great contributions to stabilizing the regional security environment promoting the investment and trade facilitation of member countries and stimulating the potential of regional economic cooperation. With the increasing degree of global specialization, it is imperative for SCO to further strengthen regional economic and trade cooperation. This paper hopes that through a systematic study of bilateral trade costs between China and SCO member countries, the relevant factors affecting bilateral trade costs can be combed to improve the efficiency of bilateral transactions, reduce bilateral trade costs, and release the potential for economic and trade cooperation. To promote the SCO towards more open, more liberal and closer ties of multilateral regional organizations. In addition to the introduction, this article will be discussed from four parts. In the first part, this paper mainly analyzes the current situation of bilateral trade between China and SCO member countries. The results show that the scale of bilateral trade is small, but the growth rate of trade is relatively fast. The bilateral trade volume with Russia accounts for the vast majority of the total trade volume between China and SCO members; the commodity trade structure between China and SCO member countries is still based on China's imports of primary products. Exports of capital / technology-intensive and labor-intensive products dominated, and bilateral trade was highly complementary. In the second part, this paper uses Novy (2008) to measure the bilateral trade cost between China and SCO member countries from 1995 to 2013, with the change of bilateral trade cost between China and Germany, China and America and China and Japan as reference. The results show that the trade cost between China and developed countries with higher income level is lower than that of SCO member countries, and the disadvantage in distance is not reflected in bilateral trade costs. In the long run, bilateral trade costs between China and other countries are on the decline, especially after China's entry into WTO and the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). In addition, this paper constructs a decomposition model of bilateral trade growth through mathematical derivation. The empirical results show that income growth and the decline of trade costs promote bilateral trade growth, and income growth is the biggest driving force of bilateral trade growth. In the third part, the paper analyzes the factors that affect the bilateral trade cost between China and SCO member countries from both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The results show that, in geographical, financial, economic and political governance, Factors such as organization and infrastructure construction have a significant impact on bilateral trade costs. The empirical results show that: strengthening the governance of corruption is not conducive to reducing bilateral trade costs, but will increase; The establishment of the SCO has sharply reduced bilateral trade costs, which are most affected by the volatility of the yuan against the dollar. The fourth part, synthesizing the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures from three angles of promoting RMB regionalization, free trade area construction and trade and investment facilitation system construction under the framework of SCO.


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