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发布时间:2018-07-04 10:07

  本文选题:公允价值 + 必要性 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the 20 th century, financial instruments and derivative financial instruments have been produced and widely used. Since China joined the WTO, it has gradually converged with the international one within the scope of WTO rules. The development of accounting is one of them. This paper discusses the principle of selecting fair value from accounting laws and regulations. This is the innovation of this paper, that is, the study of fair value is from the perspective of laws and regulations, not from the perspective of accounting measurement. In the research methods, this paper uses a variety of research methods, such as comparative study, theoretical elaboration and literature method. The structure of this paper is divided into three parts: the first part is the necessity of fair value in our country. This part mainly includes the emergence of fair value in law, the concept of fair value and the maturity of the relevant conditions of fair value in our country. The second part is about some problems that may appear in the process of fair value application in China. The third part is based on the second part of the problems, put forward suggestions to improve the relevant laws and regulations of fair value in our country. Through the elaboration of the fair value in these aspects, the author gives his own conclusion that there will be some problems in the use of fair value, but these problems are not the reason why we give it up. We should find out its possible problems in the process of development, and find out the corresponding countermeasures, so that it can better serve us.


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