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发布时间:2018-07-04 12:41

  本文选题:标准成本法 + 作业成本法 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The development of science and technology, especially the arrival of the Internet era, has had a great impact on the domestic production environment. The production environment of glass manufacturing enterprises is replaced by simple, stable, long-cycle and large-scale production mode, which is complicated, diversified, short cycle and small scale production mode. The electronic technology revolution has also brought about the high degree of automation in production and provided sufficient technical support for this new mode of production. On this basis, a series of production management models have emerged, such as timely production systems, total quality management. This kind of production management mode, such as cell manufacturing, which completely changes the former production mode, has a great impact on the cost structure-the proportion of direct costs is decreasing and the proportion of overhead costs is increasing, which has had a great impact on the former cost calculation methods. The current cost calculation method can no longer meet the small batch, short period, and more complex process of multi-product production mode in glass manufacturing enterprises, accounting cost information has been distorted or even distorted. It is necessary to improve the traditional cost treatment method in order to adapt to the change of production environment. Through the study of standard cost method and activity based costing, it is found that although there are inevitable differences between them, there is no absolute contradiction between them, and their advantages and disadvantages can be supplemented to a certain extent. Therefore, in this paper, the distribution of overhead costs is applied to the cost accounting process of standard cost method, and the advantages of the two methods are combined together, and at the same time, some changes are made to enhance its applicability. It is applied to a manufacturing enterprise in China, and the maneuverability of this method is discussed. The first part of this paper discusses the academic background and research objectives; the second part discusses the related theories of the two cost systems; the third part introduces the analysis of the current situation of case companies; The fourth part introduces the advantages of standard activity-based costing and summarizes its future prospects.


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