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发布时间:2018-07-04 17:26

  本文选题:社会效益 + 配电网规划项目 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:配电网规划项目如今成为电力系统建设不可或缺的组成部分。作为城市的一种重要基础设施,电网的建设与改造会对社会生活和经济发展产生深远的影响,,社会效果显著。为保持国民经济持续健康发展,不仅要更多地关注配电网的规划,还应该从项目给社会带来的效益入手,对项目做出社会效益分析,更全面的对城市配电网规划项目进行评价。配电网规划项目的社会效益评价在我国的研究还处于初级阶段,对于由配电网规划工程项目产生的社会效益进行评价的研究还不多。 本文在调查研究的基础上,对衡水配电网规划工程项目效益评价进行探索,以期为衡水配电网工程项目合理的规划研究提供参考。本文首先讲述了项目社会效益评价的评价内容、评价方法和相关理论,在全面分析衡水配电网工程项目给社会带来的影响基础上,结合衡水市配电网“十二五”规划中所提到的衡水地区经济发展和社会现状,建立衡水配电网规划工程项目社会效益评价指标体系,并详细说明各指标的含义,然后采用专家打分法和层次分析法计算出各个指标的权重。最后使用模糊综合评价方法对衡水配电网规划工程项目产生的社会效益做出评价。
[Abstract]:Distribution network planning project has become an indispensable part of power system construction. As an important infrastructure of the city, the construction and transformation of the power grid will have a profound impact on social life and economic development, and the social effect is remarkable. In order to maintain the sustainable and healthy development of the national economy, we should not only pay more attention to the planning of distribution network, but also start with the social benefits brought by the project, analyze the social benefits of the project, and evaluate the urban distribution network planning project more comprehensively. The research on social benefit evaluation of distribution network planning project is still in the primary stage in China, and there are few studies on the social benefit evaluation of distribution network planning project. On the basis of investigation and research, this paper explores the benefit evaluation of Hengshui distribution network planning project in order to provide a reference for the rational planning research of Hengshui distribution network project. This paper first describes the evaluation contents, evaluation methods and relevant theories of the social benefit evaluation of the project, on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the impact of the Hengshui distribution network project on the society. Combined with the economic development and social status of Hengshui area mentioned in the 12th Five-Year Plan of Hengshui Distribution Network, the evaluation index system of the social benefit of Hengshui distribution network planning project is established, and the meaning of each index is explained in detail. Then the expert scoring method and analytic hierarchy process are used to calculate the weight of each index. Finally, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the social benefits of Hengshui distribution network planning project.


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