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发布时间:2018-07-05 03:56

  本文选题:基础设施 + 中小水电站 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会经济的飞速发展,可再生能源日趋受到重视,水资源是我国重要的可再生能源,水资源的充分利用可以为我国的电能提供稳定、持续的资源供给保障。由于我国独特的水资源分布,中小水电站的优势在我国愈发明显,然而由于早期中小水电站的不合理开发、利用,而升级、改造大规模的中小水电站所需建设资金又难以通过传统的融资方式解决,加上民营资本进入中小水电站的机会有限,我国的中小水电站经营一直处于低谷状态。20世纪60年代开始项目融资方式作为一种民营资本进驻公共基础设施领域的新型融资方式受到理论学者和实务工作者的极大关注,并在世界范围内被迅速的推广应用。诸如BOT、TOT、POT、ROT等项目融资模式及其衍生模式对众多公共基础设施建设功不可没,也为我国电力项目建设引入民营资本、升级改造中小水电站提供了一定的借鉴意义。 然而民营资本规模相对较小,直接建设中小水电站不仅力不从心,而且也不符合升级、改造中小水电站的初衷,因此,在传统项目融资的基础上,PROT项目融资模式应运而生了。PROT(Purchases-Rehabilitate-Operate-Transfer)模式即“购买—重建—经营—转让”模式。是经过长期BOT、TOT、POT、ROT等项目融资运作的基础上,提出针对经营性中小水电项目融资的创新模式。 本文从我国中小水电站升级、改建需要着手,对各种项目融资模式应用于公共基础设施建设的优势、弊端进行讨论,总结PROT项目融资模式在我国进行中小水电站升级、改造建设的必要性和可行性。然而,由于我国目前很少采用PROT项目融资模式对中小水电站进行升级、改建,因此如何在个案的特许经营合同中对政府和私人投资者的权利、义务进行细化无疑成为了PROT项目融资模式长期应用于中小水电站可行与否的前提。 本文共分为六个章节:第一章为绪论部分,主要研究了文章选题背景和研究的意义、研究的目的以及研究的理论依据;第二章进行了基础设施项目融资特许经营权理论的探讨,具体包括项目融资特许经营概念、法律关系、特许经营合同双方的权利与义务以及项目融资特许经营的种类;第三章重点关注了国内外基础设施特许经营的现状与不足;第四章讨论了针对经营性中小水电站的若干种项目融资模式,以及在各种模式比较下确定了PROT项目融资模式最适宜经营性中小水电站的结论,并对PROT项目融资模式进行合同管理和战略分析;第五章主要是通过特许经营权合同要点细节对中小水电站PROT项目融资模式进行探讨;第六章为结论,期冀通过本文对特许经营合同的细节研究能够为推动PROT项目融资模式法律体系的建立提供一个切入点。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, renewable energy is paid more and more attention. Water resources is an important renewable energy in China. The full use of water resources can provide a stable and sustainable supply of energy for our country. Due to the unique distribution of water resources in China, the advantages of small and medium-sized hydropower stations are becoming more and more obvious in China. However, due to the unreasonable development, utilization and upgrading of small and medium-sized hydropower stations in the early stage, The construction funds required for the transformation of large-scale small and medium-sized hydropower stations are difficult to solve through traditional financing, and private capital has limited access to small and medium-sized hydropower stations. The management of small and medium-sized hydropower stations in China has been in a low state. As a new type of financing mode of private capital entering into the public infrastructure field, project financing has been paid great attention to by theorists and practitioners since the 1960s, when private capital entered the field of public infrastructure. And in the world scope is rapidly popularized and applied. The project financing model such as BOTTOTTOTPOTROT and its derivative model have contributed to the construction of many public infrastructure facilities, and have also provided certain reference significance for the introduction of private capital to the construction of electric power projects in China and the upgrading and upgrading of small and medium-sized hydropower stations. However, the scale of private capital is relatively small, and the direct construction of medium and small hydropower stations is not only inadequate, but also not in line with the original intention of upgrading and reforming small and medium-sized hydropower stations, so, On the basis of traditional project financing, Prot (Purchases-rehabilitate-Operate-Transfer) mode is called "Purchases-Revival-Operate-Transfer" mode. On the basis of long term BOTTOTPOTROT project financing operation, this paper puts forward an innovative mode of financing for medium and small hydropower projects. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the application of various project financing modes in the construction of public infrastructure from the upgrading and rebuilding of middle and small hydropower stations in China, and summarizes the upgrading of the project financing mode of prot in China. Necessity and feasibility of reconstruction and construction. However, because the project financing mode of PROT is rarely used to upgrade and rebuild the small and medium-sized hydropower stations in our country, how to protect the rights of the government and private investors in the franchise contract? Obligation refinement has undoubtedly become the precondition of long-term application of PROT project financing model in medium and small hydropower stations. This paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction part, which mainly studies the background and significance of the research, the purpose of the research and the theoretical basis of the research; the second chapter discusses the theory of infrastructure project financing franchise. It includes the concept of project financing franchise, the legal relationship, the rights and obligations of both parties to the franchise contract, and the types of project financing franchise. Chapter three focuses on the current situation and deficiencies of infrastructure franchising at home and abroad. In the fourth chapter, several project financing modes for small and medium-sized hydropower stations are discussed, and the conclusion that the project financing mode of PROT is the most suitable for operating medium and small hydropower stations is determined under the comparison of various modes. And the project financing model of prot contract management and strategic analysis; the fifth chapter is mainly through the franchise contract key details of the project financing model of small and medium-sized hydropower stations Prot; chapter VI is the conclusion, It is hoped that the detailed study of franchising contract in this paper can provide a starting point for the establishment of the legal system of prot project financing model.


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