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发布时间:2018-07-07 15:15

  本文选题:项目决策管理 + CC项目 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:“十二五”时期中国政府加大了对农业和农村经济发展的战略要求,保证粮食产区的农用耕地的高效利用,相关农业作物的整体产量稳中增长,对经济作物的种植面积要大力发展,关注农民收入的大幅增长,加速新时期社会主义新农村的建设步伐,按计划完成对现现代化农业的发展目标,最终实现城乡统筹协调发展的发展战略,快速推进中国城镇化进程。自古以来,中国就是一个农业大国,新时期对我们的农业发展突出新的要求,加快农业整体经济的快速稳健发展的战略要求必然带动农用化学品产业的迅速发展,特别是农药产品在农业生产中扮演着十分重要的作用。 作为我国三嗪类农药除草剂生产企业重要的原材料生产企业(EDSY公司)也驶入了快速发展的快车道。EDSY公司经过二十年的发展,已经成为我国三嗪类农药原材料的主要供应商,其主导产品CC已经成为亚洲以及全球市场的领导者,如何保持行业市场的领导者地位是EDSY公司未来发展的方向和任务。由于受地理位置的限制,EDSY公司必须走出去,寻找更靠近客户市场的地方,能解决原材料长期稳定供应难题的地方建立新生产基地,如何选择新的投资项目是EDSY公司所要解决的问题。 企业如何有效地认准市场的需求动向,把准时机地把产品推向市场,如何在扩大产品的生产能力,如何选定合适的产品生产地址,不断增强企业核心能力是企业长远发展的源动力。企业发展所必需的项目投资的正确决策和执行是的企业稳步健康发展的至关重要,对企业的管理者来说,如何在投资项目的决策阶段运用项目管理的理论知识和方法做出正确的论证和决策是值得深思熟虑的问题。科学的项目管理正在发展成为一门新兴的学科与专业化的管理方法,对项目管理的认识程度正在逐步提高,同时其优势也被广大的项目管理团队所认可,尤其在投资项目的可行性研究阶段,如何有效地运用项目管理决策理论对项目的可行性进行分析并得出科学的结论是项目的成功地关键。 本论文以分析EDSY公司CC投资项目的可行性研究作为基础,并结合当前企业所在行业目前的发展现状和潜在机遇,将现代项目管理理论方法运用到企业项目投资决策管理中,来更好地解决企业项目投资决策管理所面临的实际问题。根据项目管理生命周期理论,可以把项目管理分为几个独立的阶段,其中项目的可行性研究决策阶段是对整个项目的影响是最大的阶段,所以如何做好项目的可行性研究和项目决策是所有项目投资者和业主所关心的问题。 本论文通过对项目管理生命周期理论和项目决策管理理论的研究,大量查找国内外同类项目的项目可行性研究和决策评估方法及实际案例,解决EDSY公司为了企业长远发展而提出的CC项目所面临的项目可行性决策问题。详细地论证了CC项目的产品技术方案、选址方案的可行性,并对CC项目的财务可行性,公司整体效益,社会效益进行了分析,同时也对不确定性风险进行了评估,最终得出CC项目是否可行的结论,供公司管理层决定。 本论文将项目管理和项目决策理论运用到企业投资项目的可行性研究的具体实施过程之中,着重提升了企业在发展过程的项目决策管理的科学性与规范性,也为企业的未来项目投资的可行性研究积累经验。
[Abstract]:During the 12th Five - Year Plan period , the Chinese government increased the strategic demand for agricultural and rural economic development , guaranteed the high - efficiency utilization of agricultural land in the grain production area , increased the overall yield of relevant agricultural crops , promoted the development goal of the new socialist countryside in the new period , and finally realized the development strategy of coordinated development of the rural and rural areas . The strategy of accelerating the rapid and steady development of the whole economy of agriculture must drive the rapid development of the agricultural chemicals industry , especially the role of pesticide products in agricultural production .

EDSY has become the leading supplier of triazine pesticide raw materials in our country , and its leading product CC has become the leader of our country ' s triazine pesticide raw materials . The leading product CC has become the leader in Asia and the global market . How to keep the leader of the industry market is the direction and task of EDSY ' s future development . As a result of the geographic location , EDSY must go out to find a place closer to the customer market and solve the problem of long - term stable supply of raw materials . How to choose a new investment project is the problem to be solved by EDSY .

How to effectively recognize the demand of the market , to push the product to the market , how to select the appropriate production address of the product , and to continuously enhance the core ability of the enterprise is the source power of the long - term development of the enterprise . The correct decision and decision of the project investment necessary for the development of the enterprise is the source power of the long - term development of the enterprise . The scientific project management is developing into a new discipline and professional management method .

Based on the feasibility study of the CC investment project of EDSY Company , and combining the current development situation and potential opportunity of the current enterprise , this paper applies the modern project management theory method to the enterprise project investment decision - making management to better solve the practical problems faced by the enterprise project investment decision - making management . According to the project management life cycle theory , the project management can be divided into several independent stages . The feasibility study and project decision - making of the project is the concern of all project investors and owners .

Based on the research of project management lifecycle theory and project decision - making management theory , this paper finds out the feasibility of project feasibility study and decision - making evaluation method and practical case of the same kind of projects at home and abroad , and solves the project feasibility decision - making problem of the CC project proposed by EDSY for the long - term development of the enterprise . The feasibility of CC project is discussed in detail . The financial viability of CC project , the overall benefit and social benefit of the company are analyzed , meanwhile , the uncertainty risk is evaluated . Finally , it is concluded that CC project is feasible and can be decided by the management of the company .

This paper focuses on the implementation of project management and project decision theory to the feasibility study of enterprise investment project , and focuses on improving the scientific nature and standardization of the project decision - making management in the development process , and also accumulating experience for the feasibility study of the future project investment of the enterprise .


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