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发布时间:2018-07-12 16:42

  本文选题:银行业 + 上市公司 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The rapid development of China's social economy has fully promoted the rapid and comprehensive development of the banking industry in China. Banking and other financial industries are becoming more and more important in China, which is related to national economic stability and social stability. Therefore, the healthy development of the banking industry is very important to the economic development of our country, especially the listed companies among the industry leaders. Asset impairment accounting has always been a hot topic in the field of positive evidence and accounting theory. It has also developed for nearly 20 years in China, from the initial "two preparations" to "four preparations", then to "eight preparations", until the latest "Enterprise Accounting Standards". Our country's asset impairment accounting standards are standardizing step by step and converging to the international level step by step. This not only lays a foundation for improving the quality of accounting information of enterprises and standardizing the accounting behavior of listed enterprises. At the same time, it also promoted the rapid and stable development of the national economy. However, in the actual accounting process of enterprises, there are still problems in the application of asset impairment accounting. Based on the analysis and collation of domestic and foreign related research, this paper collects the annual report data of listed companies in banking industry, and makes a detailed analysis of the use of assets impairment accounting of listed companies in 2013 and 2012 by using descriptive statistical analysis method. This paper expounds in detail the influence of the impairment of assets on the quality of assets and the profits of companies. It is concluded that the number of companies with intangible assets in the listed companies in the banking industry and the preparation for impairment of long-term assets such as construction projects in the banking industry is very small. There is the possibility of using loan and advance impairment reserve to control the profit, the lack of standardization of loan impairment provision and the problems existing in the actual operation of the introduced asset group. The author puts forward some suggestions, such as improving and perfecting the accounting standards of asset impairment, strengthening the supervision of assets impairment of companies and making specific policies for the banking industry, so as to offer suggestions for the further improvement of the national accounting standards.


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