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发布时间:2018-07-14 19:27
[Abstract]:As an important public welfare undertaking and basic industry, forestry plays an important role in ecological construction and forest product supply, and plays an important strategic role in the development of national economy and society. However, the development of forestry industry in China is faced with a series of problems, especially the financing problem, which is due to the weakness of forestry itself, and the current government and social financing services are not perfect. The reason that financial market and forestry finance demand misplace. Poor financing has become the "bottleneck" of the development of forestry industry. TLH Forestry Company is a private small and medium-sized enterprise established in Guangxi, is the first batch of national forestry leading enterprises. After years of development, the company has already had a certain scale, but there are some problems in management, especially in the aspect of external financing, there are some common problems encountered by small and medium-sized enterprises in general. TLH Forestry Company urgently needs a set of financing strategies suitable for the development of enterprises at the present stage to solve the problems and obstacles encountered in the financing activities. This paper takes the financing problem of TLH Forestry Company as the research object, through the field investigation of TLH Forestry Company, obtains all kinds of enterprise information and industry data, and analyzes the collected data by means of statistics, comparison, induction, deduction and so on. This paper makes a deep analysis and discussion on the difficulties and causes in the current financing activities, and analyzes and forecasts the supply and demand of funds in the process of realizing the enterprise development strategy. On this basis, this paper combs various feasible financing channels, puts forward financing strategies that fit the company's future development strategy, and puts forward some suggestions on the implementation of specific financing strategies and risk aversion.


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