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发布时间:2018-07-17 07:59
[Abstract]:On behalf of the readers, authors and leaders, experts and friends from all walks of life who are interested in supporting the development of the journal, I wish you all good health and all the best in the new year. At the same time, I also take this opportunity to wish the national accounting colleagues smooth work and good results again! The year 2014 has just passed since the beginning of our country's comprehensive deepening of reform. The state has "committed itself to promoting reform, gnawing away a lot of hard bones," and has made a decision on several major issues of comprehensively promoting the rule of law. Economic and social development presents a new look into the new normal. New breakthroughs have also been made in accounting reform and practice, the implementation of the government's comprehensive financial reporting system reform program on the accrual basis, the implementation of government accounting standards, and the accounting standards for enterprises,


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1 杨雄胜;张国法;刘旭;于成永;酆尘颖;;中国会计研究规范及其成效问题研究[A];中国会计学会第六届理事会第二次会议暨2004年学术年会论文集(下)[C];2004年




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