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发布时间:2018-07-22 16:28
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of the state-owned economic system in our country, the financial management departments of our country have been speeding up the process of modernization reform. At the same time, our country has put forward higher requirements for the management mode of various units. As an important part of the overall financial management of our country, administrative institutions should pay more attention to the management of state-owned assets and optimize and perfect the relevant systems. So that administrative institutions to the management of state-owned assets more standardized, rigorous, scientific. However, at present, there are still many problems in the management of state-owned assets in our country's administrative institutions, such as the lack of attention paid by unit managers to the management of state-owned assets. The mismatch between the quoting software in management and the requirement of asset management in the actual execution process and the low comprehensive quality of asset managers are the important factors restricting the management of state-owned assets. Administrative institutions should pay special attention to this. This paper expounds the significance of strengthening the management of state-owned assets in administrative institutions, analyzes the shortcomings of the New deal institutions in the management of state-owned assets, and puts forward the corresponding reform measures.
【作者单位】: 大连市甘井子区国库支付中心;


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