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发布时间:2018-07-24 17:13
【摘要】:世界经济的迅猛发展,在当前市场经济环境下,通过各种的融资方式投资工程项目是企业在经营管理的过程中必不可少的经营活动。为工程项目筹集资金所发生的利息和手续费,在企业各项费用支出中所占比重越来越大。企业工程项目管理中如何对财务费用进行有效控制处于极其重要的地位。因此,现代企业要通过分级管理、科学预算和制度控制等方法控制财务费用,对这些债务和投资予以恰当的调整与管理,以降低财务费用和财务风险,则会大大的有利于改善工程项目的现金流,才能更好的促进企业经营的健康发展。 J公司属大型石化公司,工程项目数量繁多,工程项目资金需求量巨大,如何能更好的进行财务费用控制是工程项目资金管理中的重点之一。J公司目前在工程项目投资资金所产生的财务费用管理上仍存在一些亟待解决的难题。 本文通过结合财务费用理论与实际工程项目管理的案例分析,对工程项目资金管理财务费用节约策略进行深入探讨和研究。通过对目前工程项目财务费用现状的全面分析,在满足工程项目资金需求的同时,找到现行制度下节约财务费用的新思路。逐步探索,总结出适合J公司工程项目资金管理的财务费用控制方法。为企业节约更多的资金,使企业效益最大化。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the world economy, under the current market economy environment, it is necessary for enterprises to invest in engineering projects through various financing methods in the process of operation and management. Interest and handling charges incurred in raising funds for engineering projects account for more and more of the expenses of enterprises. How to effectively control financial expenses in enterprise engineering project management is very important. Therefore, modern enterprises should control financial expenses by means of hierarchical management, scientific budget and system control, and adjust and manage these debts and investments appropriately in order to reduce financial costs and risks. It will greatly improve the cash flow of engineering projects, so as to better promote the healthy development of enterprise management. Company J is a large petrochemical company with a large number of projects and a huge demand for project funds. How to control the financial cost better is one of the key points in the project fund management. J company still has some problems to be solved urgently in the management of the financial cost caused by the project investment funds. Based on the theory of financial cost and the case analysis of project management, this paper makes a deep discussion and research on the strategy of saving financial cost in project fund management. Through the comprehensive analysis of the present situation of financial expenses of engineering projects, a new way of saving financial expenses under the current system is found while meeting the requirements of project funds. Gradually explore, summed up suitable for J company project fund management financial cost control methods. Save more capital for the enterprise, make the enterprise benefit maximization.


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