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发布时间:2018-07-25 10:02
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of market economy and the remarkable improvement of residents' income level, the demand of consumers for agricultural products is rising in quantity and quality. However, the traditional agricultural management mode can not meet the market demand effectively because of backward production technology, high production cost and low production efficiency. At the same time, it is this kind of self-sufficient agricultural production pattern that leads to the instability of agricultural product market supply and the frequent fluctuation of agricultural product price, which seriously affects the daily life of residents. Pig farming is one of the most important branches of agriculture. Pork and its products are also the necessities of people's daily diet. China is the largest pork consumer in the world. However, the existing structure of pig breeding in China is still dominated by farmers' free-range and small-scale feeding, and the market stability and supply capacity are deviated. At the same time, the quality of live pigs can not be guaranteed and the food safety problem can not be guaranteed because of the backward breed, imperfect breeding technology and poor breeding conditions in the small and medium-sized breeding enterprises. Therefore, in order to meet the market demand and ensure the quality and quantity of pig supply, we need to improve the current situation of pig breeding industry, focus on the development of leading enterprises, leading enterprises to guide the healthy development of the whole pig breeding market. However, the primary problem encountered in the improvement of pig breeding industry is the financing difficulty of small and medium scale pig breeding enterprises. Although the government has some policy support to the pig breeding industry, this kind of resources is mostly applied to the large scale breeding enterprises, and the benefits to the small and medium scale breeding enterprises are very little. In addition, the small and medium scale breeding enterprises have the characteristics of high risk and lack of mortgage assets, which make them unable to make effective financing through formal financing channels such as commercial banks. Some potential and powerful small and medium-sized pig breeding enterprises can not effectively expand, development is seriously hindered, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the pig market. Therefore, this paper mainly takes the financing scheme of DY Company as an empirical case, through the analysis of its financing process and the effect after financing, we draw a conclusion: small and medium-sized pig breeding enterprises should adopt diversified financing strategies. On the basis of ramming up their original strength, developing their own advantages and actively introducing external strategic investors; at the same time, effectively utilizing the government's supporting policies, actively striving for state policy support, and through commercial banks, In addition, by virtue of its advantageous position in the industrial chain, it coordinates the use of seller's financing and buyer's financing, and converts its own resources into capital. In a word, small and medium scale pig breeding enterprises should make use of several financing platforms reasonably and effectively to obtain sufficient funds for their long-term development. The research of this kind of problem not only provides certain financing strategy suggestion for DY Company, but also makes it more effective to raise the needed funds in the future development road. At the same time, these financing strategies also have certain reference significance to many small and medium-sized enterprises facing financing difficulties.


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