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发布时间:2018-07-29 14:22
[Abstract]:Under the specific capital market environment and accounting system in our country, the accounting profit can not reflect the intrinsic value of the company under many circumstances, so this paper hopes to measure the intrinsic value of the listed company through the study of EVA. This paper first introduces the common valuation methods and their applicability, then introduces the development and application of (EVA) and its valuation method. Before applying the financial calculation method to liquor enterprises, this paper also analyzes the demand structure, upstream and downstream ecology, competition pattern and environment of liquor enterprises from the perspective of economics and management. Various driving forces affecting the growth of liquor enterprises were excavated and the situation of strengthening or weakening of these driving forces was predicted by forecasting the evolution of peripheral environment. Then, according to the financial statements of each company, the EVA values of 11 listed liquor companies are calculated. On this basis, the EVAs of the future year are estimated by using the three-stage growth model, and are discounted to the present, thus the intrinsic value of the six listed companies is estimated. Overall, the intrinsic value of these six listed companies is slightly higher than the total market value given by the market at the end of 2011. The paper also believes that liquor companies will slow down growth in the next decade (but still faster than other industries) and maintain a slower growth in the long run and in the long run.


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