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发布时间:2018-08-04 10:47
【摘要】:建立和完善企业经营业绩考核体系,是实现国有资产保值增值的重要措施;是国资委依法履行出资人职责的重要内容,也是提高国有企业市场竞争力的重要手段。2009年12月,国务院国资委发布《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》,确定在中央企业推行以经济增加值为核心指标的考核体系,引导企业进一步做强主业,提高资本使用效率,实现企业的可持续发展。 本文针对国有发电企业的特点对其业绩评价现状进行分析,发现目前国有发电企业的业绩评价普遍存在考核指标繁杂、轻视价值创造、缺乏资本成本意识等问题,在实际运用中未能发挥应有的作用,反而在一定程度上对企业行为产生误导。经营者过分关注在任期间的企业业绩,忽视长远发展,不顾企业内部资源的限制,盲目投资建设,对财务的可持续增长造成严重的破坏。 基于上述背景,文章构建了一套以经济增加值为核心,融入可持续增长理念,以平衡计分卡为手段的国有发电企业业绩评价体系。在BSC业绩评价框架内,分别从财务、内部流程、客户以及学习成长角度全面衡量国有发电企业经营业绩,并将创新型的EVA相对指标及可持续增长模型纳入考核体系,既弥补传统利润指标忽视价值创造的问题,也能分别从“质”和“量”角度考察企业的持续增长能力。在业绩评价体系的权重设置过程中则采用结合了层次分析法和熵权法的主客观综合赋权法,使得评价结果能够融合主观信息和客观信息。基于EVA及可持续增长的国有发电企业业绩评价体系的构建与应用能够实现更为全面准确的业绩评价,帮助国有发电企业的管理层更具针对性地寻找提高业绩水平、增强竞争实力的方向与重点,引导管理者更加注重企业发展的长远性和价值创造。最后,本文应用大唐发电作为案例研究对象,分析该业绩评价体系的结果,并对未来进一步的研究与运用进行了展望。
[Abstract]:The establishment and perfection of enterprise performance appraisal system is an important measure to maintain and increase the value of state-owned assets, is an important content for SASAC to fulfill its duties as a contributor according to law, and is also an important means to improve the market competitiveness of state-owned enterprises. The SASAC of the State Council has issued the interim measures for assessing the Business performance of Central Enterprises' responsible Persons, which determines the implementation of an assessment system with economic added value as the core index in central enterprises, and guides enterprises to further strengthen their main industries and improve the efficiency of capital use. To realize the sustainable development of enterprises. According to the characteristics of state-owned power generation enterprises, this paper analyzes the current situation of performance evaluation of state-owned power generation enterprises, and finds that the performance evaluation of state-owned power generation enterprises generally has many problems, such as complicated assessment indexes, contempt for value creation, lack of awareness of capital cost, and so on. Failure to play its due role in practical application misleads enterprise behavior to a certain extent. Managers pay too much attention to the performance of enterprises during their tenure, ignore the long-term development, ignore the limitations of internal resources, blindly invest in construction, and cause serious damage to the sustainable growth of finance. Based on the above background, this paper constructs a set of performance evaluation system of state-owned power generation enterprises, which takes economic added value as the core, integrates the concept of sustainable growth and takes the balanced scorecard as the means. In the framework of BSC performance evaluation, the performance of state-owned power generation enterprises is comprehensively measured from the perspectives of finance, internal processes, customers and learning and growth, and innovative EVA relative indicators and sustainable growth models are included in the assessment system. It not only makes up for the problem that traditional profit index neglects the value creation, but also examines the sustainable growth ability of enterprises from the angle of "quality" and "quantity" respectively. In the process of setting up the weight of the performance evaluation system, the subjective and objective comprehensive weighting method, which combines the analytic hierarchy process and the entropy weight method, is adopted, which enables the evaluation results to fuse the subjective and objective information. The construction and application of the performance evaluation system of state-owned power generation enterprises based on EVA and sustainable growth can achieve more comprehensive and accurate performance evaluation and help the management of state-owned power generation enterprises to find more targeted ways to improve the performance level. Strengthen the direction and focus of competitive strength, guide managers to pay more attention to the long-term and value creation of enterprise development. Finally, this paper uses Datang power generation as a case study object, analyzes the results of the performance evaluation system, and prospects for further research and application in the future.


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