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发布时间:2018-08-05 16:47
[Abstract]:With the intensification of electronic products competition, consumer connector profit space is also entering a small profit era. In the face of competition, it is more and more important for the company to respond quickly to customer's inquiry demand and to estimate the cost accurately in the early stage of development, which is more and more important to improve the competitiveness of the company. The most basic content of cost research is cost estimation. Cost estimation is very important to the economic evaluation of the project, the reduction of cost and the pricing of new products. Therefore, it is meaningful to study the application of accurate and fast cost estimation for connectors. This paper studies the current situation of cost estimation at home and abroad, analyzes the method, type and process of product design, expounds the formation of design features, analyzes the cost composition of product and the influence of design on cost. Then, the methods of product cost estimation are classified and compared in detail, and combining with the characteristics of connector products, production mode, inquiry and quotation process, the method suitable for cost estimation of connectors is determined: parametric cost estimation method (PCE).) By studying the characteristics of various processes, the production process, and determining the relationship models between cost characteristics and product design features, manufacturing features and assembly features, the stamping and electroplating parts were established based on PCE method. Cost estimation model of plastic parts and assembly parameters. The estimation of material cost, direct labor cost, manufacturing cost and packaging material cost in each model are discussed in detail. On the basis of these specific methods and combined with the situation of enterprises, this paper presents a standard process to guide the modeling of cost estimation. Finally, as cost estimation is a daily task of the company, Excel is used to establish cost estimation templates for stamping parts, electroplating parts, plastic parts and assembly sections. The estimate template reduces the amount of calculation of the quotation, standardizes the way the company estimates the cost, and enables the designer to input different parameters to optimize the cost. It also provides decision-making basis for purchasing staff to check the accuracy of supplier quotation and for management to choose self-made or outsourcing.


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