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发布时间:2018-08-17 16:15
[Abstract]:Financial management is the basis of enterprise management, and capital management is the core of financial management. The level of enterprise capital management directly determines the development prospects of enterprises. In order to achieve the goal of increasing income and saving expenditure and speeding up the efficiency of capital operation, the group will finally achieve the best overall benefit. This paper takes A Power Grid Company as the research object and makes the achievement of capital intensive management mode in the company's operation process. Since A company strengthens the collectivization operation, it has made great achievements in fund management and improved the efficiency of fund utilization. But with the rapid development of the information age, some new problems and deep-seated contradictions in fund management of A power grid company have gradually emerged, and bank account management and control have been carried out. According to the problems and shortcomings in the process of fund management of A Power Grid Company, this paper puts forward some concrete measures to improve the intensive management of funds: innovating the financing methods, discussing the application of new financing methods such as financing lease. Possibilities, and increase the proportion of direct financing, reduce the financial burden of enterprises; from the law of capital revenue and expenditure, strengthen the innovative research on capital operation and management, smooth the fluctuation curve of capital balance, maintain the balance of capital liquidity and profitability; increase the supervision and management of subordinate units, fully implement management concepts, and thoroughly implement management With the joint assistance of State Grid Corporation, commercial banks and local governments, a scientific fund management system with clear objectives, clear powers and responsibilities, agile dispatch and allocation is established.


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