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发布时间:2018-08-20 11:18
【摘要】:人类社会正处于高度发达的信息时代,电子信息产业迅猛发展,成为各地争相抢夺的投资热点和经济增长点。作为电子产品重要组成部分的半导体,保持了比较旺盛的市场需求。全球主要的半导体生产厂商均在国外,我国的半导体主要依靠进口。作为西部欠发达地区的遂宁市,一直把发展电子产业作为调整经济经构、促进产业转型升级的重要举措,主动承接东部和沿海地区产业转移。 深圳LC公司自成立以来就从事特种半导体产品研发和生产,实力雄厚、工艺先进、管理严谨。公司于2010年底,,在遂宁注册资本7900万元,组建四川LC电子科技有限公司,建设两条电子产品生产线,形成了年产LED12亿只、二极管60亿只、三极管120亿只的生产能力。为了顺应半导体市场的发展特点,公司从战略角度考虑,决定在现有基础上继续投资建设1条4英寸3μm和一条6英寸0.8μm特种半导体分立与集成电路芯片生产线。由于项目投资较大、周期较长,必须进行全面的评估论证。 本文从投资项目可行性研究的基础理论出发,全面分析了项目的财务、效益、技术等可行性,得出了该项目可行的研究结论。首先,介绍研究意义、内容和方法,简要分析项目的背景、概况和市场环境等因素;然后,围绕投融资和经济效益两大核心内容,进行深入分析论证;最后,给出项目管理和建设方案的建议,提出可能存在的风险和规避风险的措施。
[Abstract]:Human society is in a highly developed information age, and the electronic information industry is developing rapidly, which has become a hot investment and economic growth point. As an important component of electronic products, semiconductor has maintained a relatively strong market demand. The world's major semiconductor manufacturers are in foreign countries, China's semiconductor mainly rely on imports. Suining City, as an underdeveloped region in the west, has been taking the development of electronic industry as an important measure to adjust the economic structure and promote the industrial transformation and upgrading, and take the initiative to undertake the industrial transfer in the eastern and coastal areas. Shenzhen LC company has been engaged in research and production of special semiconductor products since its establishment, strong strength, advanced technology, strict management. At the end of 2010, the company registered capital of 79 million yuan in Suining, set up Sichuan LC Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., built two production lines of electronic products, formed the annual production capacity of LED12 100 million, diode 6 billion, Triode 12 billion. In order to conform to the development characteristics of semiconductor market, the company decided to continue to invest in the construction of 1 4 "3 渭 m and 6" 0.8 渭 m special semiconductor separation and integrated circuit chip production line from the strategic point of view. Because the project investment is large, the period is long, must carry on the comprehensive appraisal demonstration. Based on the basic theory of the feasibility study of the investment project, this paper analyzes the feasibility of the project, such as finance, benefit and technology, and draws the feasible conclusion of the project. First of all, introduce the significance, content and method of the research, briefly analyze the background, general situation and market environment of the project; then, around the two core contents of investment and financing and economic benefits, conduct in-depth analysis and demonstration; finally, The suggestions of project management and construction scheme are given, and the possible risks and measures to avoid them are put forward.


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