[Abstract]:With the restructuring of the mobile communication industry, the market competition among telecom operators is becoming increasingly fierce, and the network quality of each operator has become an important part of the competitive advantage. Management problems are analyzed and summarized by many people in the industry. It is generally believed that the main problems are the limited degree of financial management involved in project management, the great difference between the actual progress of project construction and the progress of financial reflection, the inconsistency between the project transfer assets and the actual situation. Ningxia Mobile, as a part of the communications industry, has the same problems. From the financial point of view, how to analyze the key problems, put forward solutions, strengthen the project financial management, to strengthen the financial risk prevention and control, enhance the profitability of enterprises, is of great significance.
As one of the important contents of enterprise financial management, project financial management occupies a very important position in the management of funds, assets, risks, investment and so on. The company sets up the KPI evaluation index of project financial management to assess its completion, but the result of project financial KPI index is only a reflection of the result of project financial management, which is reflected in the company. In the process of project management, finance runs through the whole process of investment management. In the whole process of project construction, such as pre-research evaluation, design review, investment delivery, construction, completion acceptance, final accounts and so on, how to improve the result of project financial KPI index and integrate project financial management into the whole project more deeply The key to building the whole process is to improve the level of financial management and the degree of refinement.
Based on the current project financial management KPI index results and its impact on the enterprise, the paper analyzes the actual situation of the enterprise and various aspects of the project management process, combined with the theoretical experience of other provincial companies and social project management financial experts, actively embarks on the discussion of improving the company's project financial management KPI index results. The strategy can improve the management level of project finance, improve the investment efficiency and reduce the financial risk of project management.
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