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发布时间:2018-08-23 12:17
【摘要】:随着我国市场经济体制改革的不断深化和证券市场的发展完善,越来越多的利益相关者开始关注上市公司的财务质量。财务质量是对公司营运过程中财务状况、经营成果、现金流量和发展潜力的反映,是公司拥有的各种资源及其运用效果的货币化表现所能满足公司利益相关者的程度。投资者为了作出正确、理性的投资决策,企业的管理当局为了实现企业价值最大化的目标以及确保企业健康、持续的发展,债权人为了寻求投出资本的安全性,都需要对公司的财务质量进行分析和评价。因此,科学、合理地分析和评价上市公司的财务质量已经成为当今社会的一个重要课题。 本文运用规范研究与实证研究相结合的方法,对我国上市公司财务质量评价的相关问题进行了分析和研究。首先,,在研究和借鉴前人研究文献的基础上,对财务质量的涵义、构成要素和财务质量评价的相关理论、利益相关者进行了分析;其次,对财务质量的影响因素进行了深入地分析,并从财务质量评价指标体系和评价方法两个方面对我国上市公司财务质量评价中存在的问题进行了分析;再次,在设计财务质量评价指标体系原则的基础上,从资产质量、资本结构质量、利润质量、现金流量质量和企业可持续发展能力五个方面设计了上市公司财务质量评价指标体系;最后,结合上述设计的财务质量评价指标体系采用客观赋权的因子分析法对我国电力行业上市公司进行实证分析,并对其财务质量作出进一步综合评价。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the market economic system reform and the development of the securities market, more and more stakeholders begin to pay attention to the financial quality of listed companies. Financial quality is a reflection of the financial situation, operating results, cash flow and development potential in the course of a company's operation. It is the degree to which the monetized performance of various resources owned by the company and its application effect can satisfy the stakeholders of the company. In order to make the right and rational investment decisions, the management of the enterprise to achieve the goal of maximizing the value of the enterprise and to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the enterprise, creditors in order to seek the safety of the investment capital, Both need to analyze and evaluate the financial quality of the company. Therefore, the scientific, reasonable analysis and evaluation of the financial quality of listed companies has become an important issue in today's society. This paper analyzes and studies the problems related to the financial quality evaluation of listed companies in China by combining normative research with empirical research. Firstly, on the basis of studying and drawing lessons from the previous research literature, the author analyzes the meaning of financial quality, the elements of financial quality and the relevant theories of financial quality evaluation. The influence factors of financial quality are deeply analyzed, and the problems existing in the financial quality evaluation of listed companies in China are analyzed from two aspects: financial quality evaluation index system and evaluation method. On the basis of designing the principles of financial quality evaluation index system, this paper designs the financial quality evaluation index system of listed companies from five aspects: asset quality, capital structure quality, profit quality, cash flow quality and enterprise sustainable development ability. Finally, this paper uses the objective weighting factor analysis method to analyze the listed companies of electric power industry in China, and makes a further comprehensive evaluation of the financial quality of listed companies.


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1 古劲松;晓芳;;公司财务质量分析方法研究[J];北方经济;2006年20期

2 骆s




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