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发布时间:2018-08-24 13:36
【摘要】:资金运营管理制度是农业政策性银行运行机制中的重要环节和核心内容。资金运营就是把拥有的一切有形无形的存量资产变为可以增值的活化资金;通过流动、裂变、组合、优化配置等多种方式进行有效运营,以最大限度地实现增值。我国目前正在努力建立和完善社会主义市场经济,在市场经济中利用价值规律,促进资金流动,调整资本结构,优化资源配置。资金运营管理制度涉及资金来源渠道、信贷资产质量、资金运营风险、业务范围、经营效益等方面。 伴随着地方经济的发展和农业政策性银行在地方金融领域的支农职能,政策性银行按照中央相关要求逐步进行了改革,农发行资金运营管理体制发生了结构性变革,赖以生存的宏、微观经济环境也发生了很大的变化。目前农发行实行的系统内资金管理模式是建立在总行筹资、分支机构用资的基础上,分支行自主筹资能力较差,全行业务发展所需资金主要依靠总行集中筹集。资金运营管理贯穿资金的筹集、运用以及分配等流程,在农发行经营中占据着核心地位,在资金流越来越彰显其重要性的市场经济社会中,农发行是否能有效进行资金运营管理,兼顾营运资金流动性、风险性、收益性,决定着农发行能否实现高效、健康、稳定成长。阿勒泰地区农发行在资金运营管理方面的效率效益如何?能否以尽可能低的成本获得尽可能多的资金来源,以及能否以最佳的资金配置获得最好的经济效益,能否保证农发行运营质量和效益。因此,全行对资金运营管理已经越来越重视,营运资金作为运营的“血液”,影响运营效率、利润以及长远发展和战略目标的实现。 本文从研究阿勒泰地区农发行目前的资金运营管理模式现状出发,主要采用理论联系实际分析方法和实证分析法,,通过理论分析和数据分析相结合,对资金运营管理的相关理论进行了分析,结合实际金融经济现状,对阿勒泰地区农发行内部资金运营管理体制与地方经济、三农发展的现实意义分析。同时,一是从社会效益角度分析农发行资金运营管理对农业及地方经济的支持和推动,有效发挥了在农村金融中的骨干和支柱作用。二是在数据筛选的基础上,对资金运用率进行分析,试图找出影响资金运用率的相关因素与影响程度,以此来判断运营管理的有效性,分析农发行资金运营管理机制,找出限制资金有效利用的因素,分析找出提升农业政策性银行资金运营管理效益的有效策略。
[Abstract]:The management system of fund operation is an important link and core content in the operation mechanism of agricultural policy banks. Capital operation is to change all tangible and intangible stock assets into actived funds that can be added, and to realize the maximum value-added by flow, fission, combination, optimization of allocation and other ways to carry out effective operation. At present, our country is striving to establish and perfect the socialist market economy, make use of the law of value in the market economy, promote the flow of funds, adjust the capital structure, and optimize the allocation of resources. The management system of fund operation involves the sources of funds, the quality of credit assets, the risk of capital operation, the scope of business, the benefit of operation, etc. With the development of local economy and the function of agricultural policy banks in supporting agriculture in the field of local finance, the policy banks have gradually carried out reforms in accordance with the relevant requirements of the central authorities, and the management system of funds operation of Agricultural Development Bank has undergone structural changes. The macro-and micro-economic environment on which we live has also changed a lot. At present, the system capital management mode of Agricultural Development Bank is based on the capital raising of the head office, the branch office uses the capital, the independent financing ability of the branch bank is poor, and the funds needed for the whole bank's business development mainly depend on the central bank to raise funds. Fund operation management runs through the process of raising, using and distributing funds, which occupies a core position in the management of Agricultural Development Bank. It is more and more important in the market economy society where the capital flow is becoming more and more important. Whether the Agricultural Development Bank can effectively manage the capital and take into account the liquidity, risk and profitability of the working capital determines whether the bank can achieve efficient, healthy and stable growth. What is the efficiency and benefit of the Agricultural Development Bank of Altay in the management of capital operation? Can we obtain as many sources of funds as possible at the lowest possible cost, as well as the best allocation of funds to obtain the best economic benefits, whether to ensure the quality and efficiency of Agricultural Development Bank operation. Therefore, the bank has paid more and more attention to the capital operation management. Working capital, as the "blood" of operation, affects the operation efficiency, profits, long-term development and the realization of strategic goals. Based on the study of the current situation of the current fund management mode of the Agricultural Development Bank of Altay, this paper mainly adopts the theoretical and practical analysis method and the empirical analysis method, and combines the theoretical analysis with the data analysis. This paper analyzes the relevant theories of capital operation and management, and analyzes the practical significance of the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in Altay region. At the same time, from the perspective of social benefits, the paper analyzes the support and promotion of the operation and management of Agricultural Development Bank funds to agriculture and the local economy, thus effectively exerting the backbone and pillar role in rural finance. Second, on the basis of data screening, the paper analyzes the utilization rate of funds, tries to find out the relevant factors and the degree of influence on the utilization rate of funds, so as to judge the effectiveness of operation management and analyze the mechanism of fund operation management of Agricultural Development Bank. Find out the factors that restrict the effective use of funds, and find out the effective strategies to improve the efficiency of fund operation and management of agricultural policy banks.


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