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发布时间:2018-08-31 21:03
【摘要】:银行业作为金融领域的核心,已经成为现代经济最重要的组成部分。我国政府对银行业的转型改革始于上个世纪九十年代中期,其中众多商业银行的改革核心都是要健全和完善公司治理结构以及高管薪酬体系。我国在加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,很多境外投资者都参与到投资我国金融市场。为了提高我国金融市场在国际金融大环境下的竞争能力,我国商业银行一直不断的加速发展。从2004年开始,商业银行的股权所有制的形式也在不断的改变,我国政府采取了包括完善董事会治理结构、健全公司治理机制、优化高管薪酬体制等一系列深化改革措施。虽然目前我国存在众多竞争性质的商业银行,例如国有商业银行,股份制商业银行以及地方性商业银行,但是披露制度还尚未完善,所以我们主要研究A股上市的商业银行,希望对我国的银行业提高绩效方面起到借鉴意义。本文对我国商业银行公司治理与经营绩效以及高管薪酬与经营绩效之间的关系进行研究,既可以宏观地了解我国商业银行公司治理与高管薪酬的现状及存在的弊端,,还可以对所存在的不当之处提出有针对性的建议与改进措施。这在优化我国商业银行的公司治理结构和健全高管薪酬体制以及提高我国商业银行在国际的市场竞争力方面都具有极为重要的理论研究意义和现实实践意义。 本文以国内外商业银行公司治理与高管薪酬的相关研究依据作为理论基础,以国内16家A股上市的商业银行作为研究目标,将其2007年—2012年的年度报告数据进行搜集整理并校对,运用描述性统计分析与线性回归分析的方法,其中在高管薪酬方面用了二次回归的方法,分别从公司治理与高管薪酬两个方面对目前我国商业银行的公司治理与绩效及高管薪酬与绩效之间的关系进行实证研究。其中,本文用净资产收益率(ROE)来衡量商业银行的绩效。实证结果显示,独立董事比例与净资产收益率显著正相关,董事会持股比例与净资产收益率没有显著的相关性,第一大股东性质与净资产收益率显著正相关,股权集中度与净资产收益率显著负相关,高管薪酬与净资产收益率呈倒U型关系,高管持股比例与净资产收益率负相关。最后提出建议以及研究展望。
[Abstract]:As the core of financial field, banking has become the most important part of modern economy. The transformation and reform of the banking industry in our country began in the middle of 1990s. The core of the reform of many commercial banks is to perfect the corporate governance structure and the executive compensation system. After China's entry into (WTO), many foreign investors participate in China's financial market. In order to improve the competitiveness of our financial market in the international financial environment, Chinese commercial banks have been accelerating the development. Since 2004, the form of stock ownership of commercial banks has been changing constantly. Our government has adopted a series of deepening reform measures, including perfecting the governance structure of the board of directors, perfecting the corporate governance mechanism, optimizing the executive compensation system, and so on. Although there are many competitive commercial banks in our country at present, such as state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks and local commercial banks, the disclosure system is not yet perfect, so we mainly study commercial banks listed on A-shares. Hope to improve the performance of China's banking sector to play a reference. This paper studies the relationship between corporate governance and business performance of commercial banks in China, and the relationship between executive compensation and business performance. It can understand the current situation and drawbacks of corporate governance and executive compensation in commercial banks in China macroscopically. It is also possible to put forward targeted suggestions and improvement measures for the existence of malpractice. This is of great theoretical and practical significance in optimizing the corporate governance structure of Chinese commercial banks, perfecting the executive compensation system and improving the competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks in the international market. This paper takes the relevant research basis of corporate governance and executive compensation of domestic and foreign commercial banks as the theoretical basis, and takes 16 domestic A-share listed commercial banks as the research objectives. The annual report data from 2007 to 2012 were collected and proofread, and the methods of descriptive statistical analysis and linear regression analysis were used, in which the method of quadratic regression was used in executive compensation. This paper makes an empirical study on the relationship between corporate governance and performance and the relationship between executive compensation and performance of Chinese commercial banks from two aspects of corporate governance and executive compensation. Among them, this paper uses (ROE) to measure the performance of commercial banks. The empirical results show that the proportion of independent directors is significantly positively correlated with the return on net assets, the proportion of board holding has no significant correlation with the return on net assets, and the nature of the largest shareholder is significantly positively correlated with the rate of return on net assets. There is a negative correlation between equity concentration and net asset return, a negative correlation between executive compensation and net asset return, and a negative correlation between executive ownership and net asset return. Finally, suggestions and research prospects are put forward.


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