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发布时间:2019-03-19 20:03
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economic globalization, international accounting standards have been constantly changing, and the problem of international convergence of accounting standards has attracted close attention all over the world. The development of global economic integration is pushing forward the convergence of international accounting standards. In addition, with the deepening trade between countries around the world, more and more countries realize the importance of accounting as a business language. To achieve interworking, we need to achieve international convergence of accounting standards. Due to historical reasons, Vietnam's economic base is weak, and the overall level of social development is still relatively backward. Therefore, in order to participate in the international division of labor, promote the development of domestic economy and improve the living standards of the people, Vietnam has always held a positive attitude in promoting the international convergence of accounting standards, which can be seen from the formulation of Vietnamese accounting standards. For a long time, Vietnam has made reference to the relevant international accounting standards in the process of formulating accounting standards, trying to narrow the differences between the two. The convergence of international accounting standards is a process which cannot be achieved overnight. Countries should promote the further development and perfection of international accounting standards according to the international situation, the development of the world economy and the national conditions. In the process of promoting the international convergence of national accounting standards, Vietnam should proceed from its actual situation, draw lessons from the successful experiences of other countries, and steadily promote the international convergence of its accounting standards. In this paper, the concept of international convergence of accounting standards and the feasibility of its implementation in Vietnam are expounded in detail. Secondly, the differences between accounting standards and international financial reporting standards in Vietnam are compared. This paper probes into the factors that influence the international convergence of accounting in Vietnam, and finally puts forward the principles and strategies to be followed in the international convergence of accounting standards in Vietnam.


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