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发布时间:2018-01-04 12:08

  本文关键词:陶瓷艺术的家居装饰应用性研究 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 陶瓷艺术 家居装饰 室内空间 价值 人文内涵

【摘要】:陶瓷艺术在中国拥有几千年的悠久历史和辉煌成就,它独有的语言形式和丰富的表现力,形成了独特的审美价值。从原始陶器到彩陶再到后来的陶与瓷的流派和传承,都受到了文化的影响,体现了中华民族文明成就和精神风采。 本文立足于现代家居环境的需求与发展,研究陶瓷艺术在家居环境中的应用原则与在家居环境中所起到的作用,挖掘其价值并探讨陶瓷艺术在家居装饰中的发展前景。 文章从家居环境的角度出发,运用例证法,类比法等方法对陶艺的特点、装饰语言、装饰形式与审美价值等方面进行深层次研究。在对陶瓷装饰与家居空间的关系的研究中分析陶瓷艺术对环境的影响,以及在家居环境中的装饰特征和陶瓷材料、形态和色彩等因素在其中所起到的作用。从家居环境出发,结合图例综合考虑陶瓷艺术制品,包括陶瓷陈设品、日用陶瓷和陶瓷家具等在各类空间中所起到的装饰美化的作用。通过对具有代表性的各类中外家居装饰的分析总结和对当代艺术中涉及陶瓷艺术新性探索的深入思考,深层次挖掘陶瓷艺术在家居设计中应用的价值,挖掘其自身所蕴含的人文内涵与发展前景。 陶艺在家居空间环境的应用时,,要充分考虑陶艺的造型、色彩、大小、风格与家居环境风格的协调,才能使家居环境和谐统一。陶瓷艺术在家居生活中担负着重要的角色,它对家居气氛的营造、空间层次感的丰富、家居色彩的柔化等方面起着重要的作用。另外陶瓷艺术除了审美价值以外,有着很强的人文价值。陶艺以其独特的特性与优越性被人们所重视,有着巨大的商业价值和广阔的发展空间。 本文的研究与论述对于我们装饰美化家居空间时合理运用与规划陶瓷艺术具有一定的现实意义。文章还对陶瓷在家居空间中的发展前景与趋势进行总结与探讨,希望为今后建筑材料的运用和环境装饰设计提供相关的理论依据。
[Abstract]:Ceramic art in China has a long history of thousands of years and brilliant achievements, its unique language form and rich expression. From the original pottery to the painted pottery to the later pottery and porcelain school and inheritance, they are influenced by the culture, which embodies the achievement of the Chinese civilization and the spirit of the style. Based on the needs and development of the modern home environment, this paper studies the application principle of ceramic art in the home environment and the role it plays in the home environment. Excavate its value and explore the development prospect of ceramic art in home decoration. From the point of view of home environment, the article uses examples, analogy and other methods to the characteristics of ceramic art, decorative language. In the study of the relationship between ceramic decoration and home space, the influence of ceramic art on the environment, as well as the decorative characteristics and ceramic materials in the home environment is analyzed. Form and color and other factors play a role in it. From the home environment, combined with legend comprehensive consideration of ceramic art products, including ceramic furnishings. The role of decoration and beautification in all kinds of space, such as daily ceramic and ceramic furniture. Through the analysis and summary of representative Chinese and foreign household decoration and the exploration of the new nature of ceramic art in contemporary art. Think. Deeply excavate the application value of ceramic art in household design, excavate its own humanistic connotation and development prospect. Ceramic art in the application of the home space environment, should fully consider the ceramic art modeling, color, size, style and home environment style coordination. In order to make the home environment harmonious and unified ceramic art plays an important role in home life. It creates the atmosphere of home and enriches the sense of space level. The softening of household color plays an important role. In addition, in addition to the aesthetic value of ceramic art, has a strong humanistic value. Ceramic art for its unique characteristics and advantages have been paid attention to. Has the huge commercial value and the broad development space. The research and discussion in this paper has certain practical significance for us to use and plan the ceramic art reasonably when decorating and beautifying the home space. The article also summarizes and discusses the development prospect and trend of ceramics in the home space. . Hope to provide relevant theoretical basis for the use of building materials and environmental decoration design in the future.


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